Thanks to Shirokiri who has posted the notes for this livestream on the Trove Forums.
Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?109824-Trove-Livestream-Notes-30-09-16
- Twix-napped! Avarem and Dopesheet hold the fort!
- New pack available for costumes and new dragon mount for Shadows Eve via the store.
- Spookytime mystery box, available for this years, Shadows Eve event box.
- Shadows eve goes live 11th October.
- Mod talk: on PTS now, the .tmod is the new file. Enable and disable via the new in game box. Simple UI to use, drop in and select which mods to use.
- DDE Shards: The first part is daily contests, daily diamond dragonite via power rank.
- Only thing craftable at the moment is the DDE's. Gain as many as you can as there will be further stuff. Tradeable drops available as an extra. Tuning to be worked on.
- Fasti now to be known as "Steve The Mother of Dragons"
- The one in charge of chaos chest rotations is called "John" We must haunt him for good rotation loot.
- They are added a storage club world! save any building, and store everything we can there.
Questions and Answers Session
Second stat gear reroll event date?
Again as mentioned for at least 3 weeks October early November.
Will the DDE be taken out of Empowered Gem Boxes?
The eggs wont be taken out of boxes.
Too many DDE should i just throw them or can they be loot collected? (SALT)
Keep hold of eggs there may be new dragons, but new stuff has been mentioned to be worked on for the future.
Gem stat reroll event date?
Not happening anytime yet, needs to be worked on if planning to do one.
Are the DDE Fragment Power Rank numbers final, especially for the top tier?
Feedback will be looked at but they are pretty final.
Can we have elemental dragon lairs that have Primordials which drop the eggs?
Itll be grindable but not that way, a rare drop that's added to the economy over time
Will Lil pup ally come from any other way than buying on atlas reactor?
No, sadly.
Big balance patch?
End of the year maybe around January but some early tuning could come out, class gems being one that was mentioned.
Whats going through the Pipeline that isn't dragons or dragon related?
Events, working on mod system, creator program, want to get more collection stuff in the game.
Is there a chance old PVP arenas can be added back to the rotation?
Will Caskart be back for Halloween?
Yes ,back on the store at Shadows Eve.
Will the unobtainable decorations ever be craftable?
Yes, wanting to work more on the Omni unlockers as well and add things that come only from those. Renaming them too. Looking at old chaos chest rewards being moved to crafting.
Please can we have more unicorn things in the game?
Mental note made
How many shoes do I have to eat for Avarem to marry me?
Sorry he's taken, please don't eat any shoes!
Will the box opened leader board issue reset be fixed?
Miscommunication happened, issue wont happen again but it cant really be fixed. Avarem said he will grant a small fix to those who opened loads on Monday. A small grant of sorts.
When will Writings of wonder be next in rotation?
Again that's for John to deal with, Avarem has taken a note though.
Recipe dungeons in elemental worlds?
Prefer to keep them in the prime worlds to keep the worlds a bit more separate.
Can Atronos do a creators stream more often?
Maybe, he is super busy though.
Can we possibly get all upcoming dragons the same way as the candy one by hunting?
Not all but its a way they like, the spawn rate is currently a bit high on the current overworld dragons too. So future ones if it plays that way will be nerfed.
Ability to add more than 5 club words?
There is news, they'd like to expand, possibly a patron perk. Working on storage club worlds to save the club world slots and the making of a full custom world just for the storage.
Can we have a limit on the amount of items taken from a club chest?
Has been mentioned before, its something to look at.
Any updates on block party allies
No update but its on Avarems task list to find out.
Plasma fishing? When?
Future update, no current plans to work on it.
Can we please have a better deconstruct item than 100 glim for Inventory Expanders?
Yes itll be worked on.