Trove released on Steam 6 years ago on this day, share your earliest memories of Trove (even if you weren't around for launch) for a chance to win a [collection=Magic Trove Carpet].
- Leave a comment describing or share a screenshot showing your earliest Trove experiences
- Friday, July 9 to Monday, July 12, 2021
- At least 5 (maximum 10) participants will be selected at random to receive a code for a
Magic Trove Carpet
The challenge has now ended, the winners are as follows:

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I started playing trove quite recently and this screenshot shows how I used a dragon figurine , and got this dragon , at that time I was happy about it!!!
MonkeKiller July 11, 2021

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This is the oldest screenshot I have, which is in 2017 (May or June), it was the first time I hit 10k pr on the PS4 (My older screenshots are stored on my mom's PC, which is lost.), which took me barely over a year to do. My earliest memory is actually sometime in April of 2014, I remember signing up for emails for the game after seeing an advertisement on Roblox, since I had thought the game looked so cool. I remember watching gameplay videos on my iPod, thinking the Knight was so cool and pretending to do the Knight's main swiping attack IRL with a long knife (and stabbing my hand accidentally, there's a little scar in the spot too...), and overall being very obssessed with the game, especially the noteblock videos. Those were the days (=
Pyrodisc July 10, 2021

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A screenshot made in 2016, with my first main in a club made by my cousin when he used to play the game too. Now, he doesn't have time nor even remember his account LoL. Good old times
Leeway04 July 10, 2021

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Not my oldest but the oldest I could find on steam. Took this one for a contest to be featured in one of lordfafy's cornerstone contest videos in 2017.
Katemushi July 9, 2021

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Screenshot back in December of 2017 when I started the game. I was still a knight main and had no idea how to change styles yet xD
Seiken3241 July 9, 2021

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Aight this was back in 2020 in June where I was with the boys in delves... At that date my main was the Shadow Hunter :3
donamercedes July 9, 2021

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is my oldest fullscreen screenshot i think, ez way to start the game xd
TFMHisztike July 9, 2021

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My very very very first screenshot in Trove showing me being on the max height on which you could place blocks. I've started in Summer 2017 and at that time i was treating this game as different Cube World because how similar they were that time...
TheStimerGames July 9, 2021

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I got my gf into playing this with me like 3 or 4 years ago. We didn't get very far but had a good time with it. Just started playing again recently and really enjoying it. Still together! Game together - stay together.
I first player Trove about 4 years ago on xbox, I loved playing the game and It was a great experience for me. The fact that It was F2P brought some of my best friends to playing Trove and making some of our best memories! We just got back to playing It and It feels as good as the old times!
I was just searching for a new game to play and this game seemed interesting at the time Scythe plays started playing I started watching his videos just getting excited for the next and just honestly improving
My very first memory was being confused in Turkeytopia cause I never participated in Events before. Then I remember helping my Friend and giving him my Giveaway Reward cause I already had that. I also helped him with Gems and rings and he is a good player now, his username is TheTrovian100. After that, I made the worst Noob Mistake ever, equipping Magic Damage Gems on my Candy Barbarian, fortunately, they were Relic Gems and I replaced them with Physical Damage Shadow Gems. Now, I am an Intermediate Player, and so is my Friend.
The first memory I can remember about this game is that in my club me and my brother would get on every saturday especially as well as almost every day of the week, but I remember how the best people in the game were about 20k PR at the time, and some guy who always had a purple name from ultra DOTM would carry everyone on the Ultra towers. I've been playing since 2015-2016 with a few breaks
- I am not OLD in trove but I have been around 1 year and something and since I started playing this game with one of my friends, we spent hours and hours on call trying to defeat the bosses of the beginner maps we also spent a lot of time in bomber royale trying to farm coins to get a dragon and other mounts but soon after we met someone who helped us increase power in trove I must admit that I liked the game a lot when I was with them, although later my friend of playing for other occupations, I finished playing with the person who instructed us how to play (at least the basics) and well after a few months he had to leave for the same reason after that I stayed playing alone in trove for a while until out of nowhere I got an invitation from a club, in that club I learned about many other things in trove I met very good people and nice people, currently there are only a few people left from the first ones I met and new faces that I continue to speak with I have been with them for a long time so far, I am very grateful for having met the people I know today and I continue to play with them, I hope to see the first people I started to play with again. for now I will continue to play with them until I have to go back to my business.
att: pana 🦖's
My very first memory with trove was with my cousin, around 2016 (but I really don't know) when he was teaching me about steam and we were looking at the free games, my PC was super trash at the time so when we saw Trove it was an instant target. We tried to run it for a while but we couldn't get it to work. Sometime later we tried again and managed to make it work, but it was super laggy, I remember "grinding" the first map and getting that trashy wing ( nowadays you get it from the start of the game ) but back then you had to gain some mastery for it. I quit it after that, I didn't think much about it back then.
In 2018 I got an Xbox One, and while looking for free games (Again) I found Trove, "I remember this game!" I thought, so I downloaded it, summer break comes in, I play the only trove this time tbh, but I was very dumb, in all that time I couldn't get to U9 (I think my Gunslinger had half his gems on PD), and that was nice, but it got very depressing after a while, I remember feeling that the game was 100% P2W, but that's not true (Kinda [a little{ just a tiny bit}]).
Now the year is 2021, now I have a PC, I see trove again, I download Trove again, I play it again. Now I have a functioning brain and I know how to search properly, so I am u10 in 2 weeks. I keep thinking about the younger me, I was stupid, I grinded dragons but I never had the coins, and then the cyborg invasion started and Godzilla killed everyone alive. Just kidding, it was the popular Kpop singer, Michael Jackson.
I'm having fun, give thing, thank you.
My first memory of trove is about 4 years ago I was visiting England where my mom's side of the family lives and my cousin was showing me trove and I thought this is minecraft but cooler I fell in love with the game and my cousin then helped me get steam on my laptop and helped me startup in trove and I then stopped playing for about 3 years as my laptop broke a few months later I then tried to see if my WiiU could get trove it couldn't I then got my computer about a year ago and to this day I have been progressing and loving trove ever since my first memory I can think back to is when I thought I was really cool and awesome because I got my first mount and I think it was a pinata I can't remember which one though
My very first memory of trove was a small ad for the open beta I saw on a website (that I've now forgotten). Everything in that ad appealed to me, but the first thing that caught my eye in that ad was the prancing piñata mount being shown off.
I clicked on the ad and went to the game's website, which then got me to download it. This game was the only other MMO I ever really got into at the time, and I've met some of my long-time friends from it.
One of them I had met while out adventuring, after hearing of a rare mount drop called Pemblock. I invited him to join me on my journey to acquire this mythical cubic dog, and we set out on our first adventure together. We fought through dungeon after dungeon, scanning through our loot every few runs.
Eventually, it started to get late, and at this point we were just running dungeons to hang out. The journey together was fun enough that I'd pretty much forgotten about the reason I'd set out on the adventure in the first place.
Until the game decided to give me a very direct reminder...
Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a string on my loot feed
- "1 Mount: Pemblock"
Filled with excitement, I shared the news as soon as I saw it. Our long journey ended successfully at last. After a swell celebration between us in the now-looted lair, we got ready to say our goodbyes and log off. But little did we know this was only the beginning of our adventures in Trove.
All these years later, who could've known I'd still come right back to this game. Or even have one of my designs accepted into the game! Every time I see someone riding on a Prancing Piñata, the memory of that first ad returns. Along with the adventures I've had in this game over the years.