My very first memory of trove was a small ad for the open beta I saw on a website (that I've now forgotten). Everything in that ad appealed to me, but the first thing that caught my eye in that ad was the prancing piñata mount being shown off.


I clicked on the ad and went to the game's website, which then got me to download it. This game was the only other MMO I ever really got into at the time, and I've met some of my long-time friends from it.


One of them I had met while out adventuring, after hearing of a rare mount drop called Pemblock. I invited him to join me on my journey to acquire this mythical cubic dog, and we set out on our first adventure together. We fought through dungeon after dungeon, scanning through our loot every few runs. 


Eventually, it started to get late, and at this point we were just running dungeons to hang out. The journey together was fun enough that I'd pretty much forgotten about the reason I'd set out on the adventure in the first place.


Until the game decided to give me a very direct reminder...


Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a string on my loot feed

  • "1 Mount: Pemblock"

Filled with excitement, I shared the news as soon as I saw it. Our long journey ended successfully at last. After a swell celebration between us in the now-looted lair, we got ready to say our goodbyes and log off. But little did we know this was only the beginning of our adventures in Trove.


All these years later, who could've known I'd still come right back to this game. Or even have one of my designs accepted into the game! Every time I see someone riding on a Prancing Piñata, the memory of that first ad returns. Along with the adventures I've had in this game over the years.