Event Summary


Valor Coin Merchant

Items that can be purchased more than once are tradable.


Main Quest Chain

#0/7: Complete Qubsely's Tutorial

Rewards: Confetti Ball 1

#1/7: Visit GMQubesly in the Hub

Splendid Summer 2021 1/7:  Hello Trovian! Come check out my colorful wares! A celebration of being a prideful Trovian!

Rewards: Valor Coin 1

Interact with Valor Grand Marshal Qubesly NPC in the Hub.

#2/7: Purchase your first reward!

Splendid Summer 2021 2/7: Collect your Valor Coin from the Claims Menu to purchase your first reward in support of your fellow Trovians.

Rewards: Valor Coin 1

Claim the Valor Coin and purchase a banner from Valor Grand Marshal Qubesly NPC.

#3/7: Defend your fellow Trovians! (5)

Splendid Summer 2021 3/7: Your next quest requires your might, defeat 3 Star Dungeons and gather more Valor Coins for more rewards from my shop!

Rewards: Valor Coin 5

Complete five 3-Star Dungeons.
3-star objectives from 5-Star Dungeons in Geode Topside worlds count towards this goal.
Completing Delve floors counts towards this goal.
Completing Shadow Tower boss rooms, including reset rooms, counts towards this goal.

#4/7: Return to GMQubesly in the hub!

Splendid Summer 2021 4/7: Visit me in the hub! As the Grand Marshal, your many Valor Coins have helped me gather more rewards! Come see!

Rewards: Sunray Betta 1

#5/7: Show off your new gear and jump in the Hub! (6)

Splendid Summer 2021 5/7:  Show your valour all month long! This month is a reminder of supporting, encouraging, and showing love in more ways than one. Share that with your fellow Trovians.

Rewards: Valor Coin 3

Jump 6 times.

#6/7: Defeat Star 3 Dungeons (25)

Splendid Summer 2021 6/7: Celebrate your power and strength Trovian! Your strength is beyond compare of the void that we live in. Show your true might in this realm and in the next to bring down powerful enemies!

Rewards: Valor Coin 10

Complete more 3-star dungeons, just like in step 3.

#7/7: Topple your enemy and rise above the struggle! (78)

Splendid Summer 2021 7/7:  This month is about loving yourself and encouraging others that your true self is the best you can be. Share the love, encourage others, and have fun Trovians!

Rewards: Prideful Feathers 0

Defeat 78 enemy NPCs.

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