This time on Artist Spotlight we talk with DC013 one of our very talented regular contributors.
This artist was nominated by [crowvidae].
Peaceful and feel calm.
What can you tell us about yourself?
Hola, I'm an 18 year old Thai artist. My name comes from disconnecting more than 13 times!
Where does your name come from?
The fact is.. DC013 is from my pen name Drilling Cat and 013 from my favorite number.
13 is my lucky number because I often see this number all time in my real life.
How did you learn about Trove and why did you start playing?
One day I was bored and didn't have anything to do. I tried to find a game to destroy that feeling and found this game and clicked to start it.
What's your favourite part of Trove? What keeps you coming back?
I play mostly because of the Trove Thailand Community club, they have some cool guys and invited me to the club.
They are good friends when I didn't know many people in the game, and after playing for more than a year and when I feel bad or have worries they are beside me. Everyone is great and we are a family.
A long time ago when when I had no more time for online games and said goodbyte for adventure times they told me.
"Come back here whenever you want, and next time let's play together"
Aww Miss You Mau5head!
How did you get started creating art for Trove and why?
When you like something you have reason to draw it. I draw what I like or how I want it to be.
And I love this communities artists! everyone is friendly
Have you produced art for any other games?
Generally, I haven't made too much for other games, some for 12TalesOnline, Cookie-run, Arena of Valor and Terraria.
You can check my work on my Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/DrillingCat/
What motivates you to continue creating art for Trove?
New content in Trove, or challenges from Trovesaurus. They give me more ideas and keep me making art!
Which other Artists on Trove inspire you and are there any pieces of their work you want to highlight?
She is the first one who invited me to come to Trovesaurus. She's like my big sister everytime. She teaches me a lot about Trovesaurus and Trove. haha! Her art style is always awesome especially her Dragons
She is the one who encouraged me to create things, she has really improved her painting skill quickly. I am so proud of her! I wish I can improve as quickly as she does.
When I saw this picture..I think..What is MomoCow01 doing now? It's been a while, and I miss her!

Wonderland by

This art made me learn a lot of things.
How did it feel when your first art was shared on a livestream or highlighted in a contest?
First, I appreciate it! When my friend who told me that my first art was shared I said " REALLY? IS THAT MY ART??? YOU DIDN'T THINK IT'S OTHER ART???" So it's was a great feeling for the first time.
What is your design and creation process?
I must think first about what should I draw? How can I make it different from other art? I want to present my art in another style than other artists!
What tools do you use to create art?
I use a pen or pencil sometimes and do a sketch. I also use my drawing screen for digital art, it's my friend and him make me proud a lot with his skill!
What is the most challenging thing about creating art?
Aghhh... maybe it's the background always, I have no idea about how to paint a background or how to draw a background. I hate background but it's dosen't mean I can't draw them >:3 So I will also be learning from this challenge.
What advice would you give to new artists starting out?
You must try different art styles! Find a style that's perfect for you, if you can find it. Don't stop trying to LEVEL-UP and improve!

Take care you plant by

Phew! Phew!