Bluesoda has been a Trove community artist for about a year and we are happy to get to know them in this Community Spotlight
Bluesoda was nominated to be interviewed by MochaMint
What can you tell us about yourself?Top ^
Hello, I'm Bluesoda. I come from Taiwan and I'm a 19 years old university student who's studying industrial design.
Where does your name come from?Top ^
I have a big love of the color blue, and also I love to drink soda, so binbalabon my name is done.
How did you learn about Trove and why did you start playing?Top ^
I learnt about trove from my senior high school friends three years ago, my friends introduced it to me, said that I can fly, collect things and have mount blablabla..., then I tried this game and fell in love with it.
What's your favourite part of Trove? What keeps you coming back?Top ^
Definitely classes and pvp. It's very exciting while using my favorite class to compete with other Trove players.
How did you get started creating art for Trove and why?Top ^
I have a big love of drawing and I draw what I love.
Since three years ago, I have done so many doodles in my notebooks, most of them were done in class(cuz I'm bored haha). I've filled about five books with all Trove related drawings, then my friend saw it and said I'm so crazy and suggested that I should upload it but I was too shy at that time because it's all pencil doodles.
Then about last year, I started learn computer drawing! I feel very proud for my self so I finally try to uploaded it on Trovesaurus.
Have you produced art for any other games?Top ^
Maplestory, Overwatch
What motivate you to continue creating art for Trove?Top ^
The individual characters that I have created, I draw imaging what they do as they travel in the beautiful Trove world.
Which other Artists on Trove inspire you?Top ^
MochaMint, her characters are so cute and her art is inspiring the most to me.
mau5head,Who is talented with super cute artstyle and creative.
Ainogommon, A very talented creative modder and artist.
How did it feel when your first art was shared on a livestream or highlighted in a contest?Top ^
First time my art was shared or highlighted in a contest, I'm very very happy and almost end up in mental hospital.
What is your design and creation process?Top ^
It's never have a right answer with this..., I just imagine what the art will look like and draw it.
What tools do you use to create art?Top ^
I first use PaintToolSAI with computer draws, and now I use Photoshop to draw.
What is the most challenging thing about creating art?Top ^
Probably when no ideas come and want to draw something or have ideas but dont have enough ability to express them.
What advice would you give to new artists starting out?Top ^
Drawing what you love is very important. Don't worry if your skill is bad, If you're in love with something, just go try :)

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