Leading up to the Crystal Combat update releasing on consoles February 5, we are looking to prepare the site for increased mobile visitors. 1/3 visitors to our site uses their mobile device and so if you visit us regularly this is your chance to help make that experience more pleasant.


  • Take a screenshot of a part of the site that look messy, needs to condensed, or is completely unpleasant to use on your mobile phone.
  • Upload the screenshot to Imgur or another image hosting site and write a comment on this page with the link to your image, and an explanation to go with it.

Note: You can also take part using a web browser by resizing the width of your browser to the smallest width.


  • Thursday, January 31, 2019 to Tuesday, February 5, 2019


  • If a report that you make contains a screenshot and a description of the problem, and it is the first time mentioned in the comments, and that leads to a change in the site, we'll grant you at least 1 Reward Token.

Example report:

  • The profile navigation and the site navigation are on two separate lines, with a lot of blank space.
  • The page content isn't visible at all until you scroll through an entire screen
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3 weeks ago 

magic  NachoPETE

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Its super squished together and looks pretty bad


They should look better now

And for the calendar and the notification bar they should be displayed above the trovesaurus icon

I will make it easier to remember our tasks and our notifications  thankyou


I think for me that there is just one problem for the crystal combat comes to consoles icon i think that i should be disblayed at the bottom of the page 

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This should be resolved now, the columns have been increased in size and the images hidden on smaller screens.

[Deleted User]

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There are quite a few nitpick and real problems I find throughout my time using the mobile site.

Navigation Tabs:
1) Profile Nav
Icons from Profile nav tab such as Mail, Notifications, Dates are awkwardly spaced taking too much space. Perhaps condensing it side by side instead of on top of each other.

2) News Nav
By click on News Nav Tab, it automatically goes to the general news page of the site. Its gets annoying if I just wanna click on a subcategory in the news nav tab. So I'd say remove the link to that button.

Expanded Text Edit (for comments, descriptions, etc.):
1) Copy/Pasting
Using the Galaxy 9s phone, I am unable to copy/paste text into the editor. What happens when I try to hold click the editor, it brings up the format/font options and no options allow me to copy/paste.
2) Link and Image Upload
When uploading image, the popup is too long and covers the submit button when using the phone portrait view. The only way to submit is to go landscape and press cancel or ok.

3) Adding a Table/Chart
Doesn't work on mobile, period. It goes away before I can add cells. And this is using the hold click (right click) method that doesn't allow Copy/Pasting.


Thanks for the reports:

1. This was mentioned by a user earlier, but yes I will be looking at the nav menu as a priority.

2. Thanks for the report on the behavior of the the news menu item, I will remove that as a direct link.

3. I haven't checked the behavior of pasting in the TinyMCE editor we use for the rich text formatting, but I will try to reproduce this. There is a newer version of the editor launching very very soon, so it would be interesting to see if that resolves the problem.

4. Again this is related to the TinyMCE editor, it looks like there is a "mobile" theme I can use for this, will look at switching that on based on user resolution.

5. Same with above, and it might help.


Thank you, I'm really looking forward for this TinyMCE editor update. It would make things so much easier to upload stuff on my phone.


You should be able to test this now from your profile look for the Text Editor field and change from Old to New.


Thanks for the reports:

1. Sounds page is breaking out of the screen, this is bad, I will look at converting that from a table into a collapsible grid.

2. This seems related to the sounds page in that the translations page is also using a table. I will look at moving the translations section away from using tables.


I've fixed the sounds page, but I think I'm ok with leaving the translations section as it is. I wouldn't encourage people to create language mods on a phone, that is a lot of things to enter.


Thanks for the reports:

1. Dropdowns on nav bar, looks like odd behaviour, I will need to check on a solution. it might be because I have the dropdowns auto expand when you hover over them, and clicking may achieve that same result on mobiles.

2. Some pages are very long, but I'll only really come across them as they are reported, or I encounter them yourself, but your feedback on the long Rewards page is something that I agree with, even on desktop version, so that page definitely needs some love.

3. The head and the logo should be together now as per an earlier comment. Also I have made the hamburger icons both have labels and be on the same line so it is clearer.

4. Eww overflowing text, tables are the worst, thanks for the report on that. Will check out on improving the Stats page behaviour.

5. That width on the dropdown for guides nav menu is very awkward, will look to fix that behaviour, it may be a culling of all overflowing text.

6. Other art by a user should now use a grid instead of large images

7. The about text on profiles has been mentioned earlier, but yes I will be fixing that.

8. Comment replies do look bad on mobiles. I will look at resolving this.

Honestly, I’m on iPhone, the webpages translate very well. I would much rather an actual official app for trove if possible, on both android and apple. But it’s really nice to navigate the webpages. I believe that there’s not a lot that needs to be helped with the website.

@I Twerk 4 Coins

Thank you for your feedback, unfortunately I don't have the skill or resources to create an app, my expertise lies on the page itself, I'd rather focus on improving that experience for mobile users as a responsive site can make everyone happy (hopefully).


Hey guys I ran through a bunch of random pages and most of it looks very pleasant. Only a couple weird issues I found with the navigation and menu bars.

1.  Going to any article page the top menu separates the Spacesaurus logo from the Trovesaurus logo.


2. Clicking on the Navigation menu puts the upcoming reward contests and notifications on separate lines that don't quite line up from left to right.


3.  If you go to an "About" page for a user, the T is separated on a new line from the rest of the word About. 


For reference I'm using a Galaxy S5 (older phone I know, rip) and these displayed while not logged in. If I can give you any more information please inbox me and I'll reply. Thanks!



Thanks for the reports:

1. Spaceosaurus and Trovesaurus logo should be fixed now and be together forever.

2. Slightly related to an earlier comment, but defo see what you mean about the red badge running away to the other side of the screen, that is wrong and I'll look at bringing them together and making that area a little less weird.

3. I see what you mean about the headers being cut, will fix that.

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Thanks for the reply buddy, it actually looks really nice on mobile tbh. I hope you bring in a lot of traffic from console u10 players :)


2. My solution at the moment is to bring the badges back to the icons, and add label text only on mobiles.

3. I have removed the duplicate about text, so this solves this issue.

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Hey Etaew did you grant rewards yet? If I didn't get any that's okay, was just wondering :) I'm no good at art so any chance to get rewards for some seasonal packs I'm missing I jump at the opportunity. No rush if you didn't grant yet, just was wondering :D


Not yet, there are a few more tasks I want to get done based on the comments first.

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The "Current Events" text is not there. (above the login)


Yup thanks for the report, those floating icons look a bit weird on the mobile nav bar, will work on a fix.


I have finished the change that adds labels to the profile nav bar on mobiles.