August is here! So it's only a few more weeks till Gamescom! Like last year we will be there. Even Etaew is showing up this year.

Gamescom is a trade fair for video games held annually at the Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany. Trion Worlds will be in the business area, but we will lure them out with spaghetti.

Last year we:

  • handed out loads of codes
  • had great talks with the Trove Devs, learned some great spoilers... but
  • forgot to write things down
  • had drinks at the Trion Mixer.

Trovesaurus Peoples @ Gamescom

Got any questions for the devs?

  • Leave the questions for the developers, in the comments below from today till the 19th of August.
  • 5 random commenters, with a question in their comment, will get a Trovesaurus reward token.
  • Questions will be collected on the 19th of August 2018.

Also at Gamescom?

If you're a Trove player and you're also attending Gamescom this year:

  • Tweet a selfie and tag @Trovesaurus.
  • The selfie must prove your presence at GC 2018.
  • We will reach out through PM to give you some digital Trove goodies.
Comments and Likes Comments 46

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how many time this you guys forgot to write things down ?


Etaew actually recorded the whole thing this time :D

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add more classes that use fist

boomeranger rework anyone ?


will trove ever be released on the nintendo switch and will cross platform ever be a thing for trove 


enjoy your beers over there, have a great time (ears ready to be spoiled)


question Wise, i'll ask one:


will the upcoming geode companion be as cute as the gleemur ? because it's too cute :) 

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Are there any tradable chaos chest drops anymore?

Will the choromancer ever get a rework, The DPS from the choromacer is lacking due to its damaging flowers not stacking DPS (5 flowers doing same DPS as 1 flower) it would be a great addition to the class if the damage would stack and if the class gem (cactus turret) drop rate would be increased so it can catch up on extra damage, it may then be a viable class for ultra shadow towers DPS builds. Thank you \o/ Praise the Sunflower \o/

leashers are only 4 spawn at a time ;)

CG dps is good, I agree spawnrate may be increased.

The ultimate is where the chloro can be reworked IMO, especially when you have 200+ ER, which enables "infinite throws". 

ideas ? maybe make ult instant 4 leashers + 6 Healing bombs spawn.

as an Hybrid class, it is perfecty fine in my eyes. we have enough dps roles right now, support is fine too <3


also, Praise the sunflower \o/

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In future time are untradeble mount/ally's/custumes getting tradeble?

[Deleted User]

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Tradeable crystals? 

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Will we be seeing more Twitch drops for future streams? Or possibly another Twitch Prime bundle?

i see trovesaurus add lv class hats and will it add into trove soon or anyway to has it in the future ?

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What type of class is going to be added next magic or physical and when will it be released end of this your or next year and what weapon type will it use an old one or a new one like the vanguardian


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Any plans to add/change anything with geode?

What's the new gem color?

Probely green


[Deleted User]

This comment by seelens has been removed by seelens

Sadly no, we are paying too, though its only a 1,5hr drive for me :D

Is there a way to link a ps4 account to trovesaurus account. 

No there is not, linking trove on pc only works through

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dit me bon may cho tao code


xD noi tieng anh di cha

Could you make an expertise tutorial on gems? Because it is very hard for new players to get pr unless they watch YouTube videos.

Any spoilers regarding u10 and the requirement to enter, is it closer to 20k or is it going to be in 25k+?. 

Since u10 is coming, can we expect a new difficulty for shadow towers or if not, atleast rebalencing on the different tiers, since right now people can do ultras pretty quickly and we will only get stronger when u10 comes out?

Will u10 bring a higher tier then stellars into the game, if not, then is it something that is planned after the release of u10?

Lastly, i heard that keetsie liked carrots, i think she would love a certain mod called llarrot.

Sincerly pen

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Lunar Lancer rework is needed, due to his class gem being bad as they dont have much health.

So any plans for a Lunar Lancer rework?

Unless you watch youtube videos, trove could be a bit hard. Are there plans to extend the beginner tutorial and make the game a bit more simple especially for people coming from a non mmo-background;

Currently only 1% of players reach 10k pr, so adding more expertise tutorials on that would be very helpful, as these will tell people how to get pr and make the game understandable for everyone; thus extending lifetime of the game; and avoid people quiting early.

Will the first-person view be added to the game? It would be very useful for building and digging

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What are the plans for the future of Trove?  Are there gonna be anymore classes added or more worlds?

I know you are busy and have a lot of work, but there are several problems with the starfire dragon, spider dragon, kami dragon and dino dragon fragment drops, except from the starfire one, the others are quite aceptable but you need to fix it soon or people will be arguing more and more about this, you just can't make a dragon that takes 100-200h of farm (if you are lucky).

Will there be another world after Geode? newer classes, styles, dragons and wider imaginations to satisfy or add more players in trove?

[Deleted User]

This comment by TyiLink has been removed by TyiLink

When do you (the developers) plan on improving the servers' connection and strength so that we (the players) have less lag, of which includes: rubber banding, disconnecting (when doing normal things and/or when switching worlds), frame rate drops, unloaded chunks, above average ping, and other lag in general?

Do you plan on fixing the lag caused when using the atlas?

Any plan to create a trade world where you can go afk and sell your stuff by creating a little shop?

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As seen on the recent Geode expansion, the gameplay style greatly varies from that of regular Trove. Will we see more gameplay variations in future updates? Are these changes a test for upcoming titles?

What are you planning to add for more mount type/species? I would love to have more dragon-like wyvern and long necked dragon. And something new would be exciting. I’m always ready to put my effort on them.

why are there so many dragons?

Is it hard to work for trovesaurus ?

Very, but we meant questions for the devs ;-)

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What were the lessons learned from the Trove: Geode concept development and release process (the good, the bad, and the simply interesting)? How might these findings shape what Trove expansions bring in the future?

what is gamescon

Still wondering why the Tomb Raiser doesn't seem to have plans for rework, since in my opinion it's one of the classes that need the most rework.

It's planned to be reworked next now, grats.