Song of Petallura! from Tuesday, April 17, 2018 to Tuesday, April 30, 2018 on PC's and Consoles. Winter passed and Spring is here!
#1/9 Collect Sunlight Bulbs (60)
Song of Petallura 1/9: Greetings, Trovian. I am Petallura, the Draconic Herald of Nature. Nothing puts a spring in my step like fresh flowers. Would you help me ring in the spring by collecting Sunlight Bulbs?
Sunlight Bulbs grow in the Peaceful Hills biomes in Uber worlds and higher. Look for the giant sunflower tower to find them.
Reward Chaos Chest 10
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#2/9 Craft some Grass Seeds (15)
Song of Petallura 2/9: These will do nicely! Now we need some seeds - Grass Seeds to be exact.
Grass Seeds can be crafted at a Gardening Bench. A Gardening Bench can be crafted from the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.
Reward Dragon Coin 10
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#3/9 Plant Grass Seeds (15)
Song of Petallura 3/9: Green is the loveliest color, is it not? Let us plant some grass and make the whole world green (with grass! - not envy).
Open your Crafting Inventory and place the Grass Seeds as you would a block.
Reward Empowered Gem Box 3
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#4/9 Defeat Yeti in Permafrost (50)
Song of Petallura 4/9: The cold-hearted Yeti of Permafrost are threatening to nip our spring in the bud! We must thin their numbers to continue our quest.
Yeti can be found roaming the open lands of Permafrost Adventure Worlds. You can enter a Permafrost World from the Atlas in the Hub.
Reward Sentience Shard 1
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#5/9 Complete Club Adventures (2)
Song of Petallura 5/9: Nothing brings warmth to the heart like good friends. Completing Club Adventures is a great way to bring Trovians closer together to make a stronger whole.
Club Adventures can be accepted from one's own Club or found in other Clubs by entering one of the Club Portals in the Hub.
Reward Diamond Dragonite 25
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#6/9 Defeat Dungeon Bosses in Fae Forest (25)
Song of Petallura 6/9: Before the Shadow corrupted the Fae Forest, it was a gem in the Court of Spring. Its denizens are beyond saving now...
Enter a Fae Forest Adventure world from the Atlas in the Hub and defeat bosses in 1 and 3-Star Dungeons.
Reward Gem Booster Box 3
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#7/9 Collect Mushroom Parts (40)
Song of Petallura 7/9: I have a surprise for you, Trovian, but it is not quite ready yet. This may sound strange but the surprise needs to eat. Mushroom Chunks would do nicely, I think.
Mushroom Chunks can be acquired by destroying mushrooms in Medieval Highlands and Cursed Vale biomes. Items received from a Trading Post or the Marketplace will not count.
Reward Despoiled Divinity 1
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#8/9 Mine some Cinnabar (50)
Song of Petallura 8/9: Perfect! Next she will need something to scratch her claws on. Don't worry, I promise you your surprise is not dangerous - unless you're a worm.
Cinnabar can be mined in Forbidden Spires biomes.
Reward Builder's Superior Focus 1
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#9/9 Go Fishing in Forbidden Spires (20)
Song of Petallura 9/9: Now that the Itty Bitty Chick has been hatched in a nest of fresh grass, fed on hearty mushrooms, and been given plenty of Cinnabar to scratch on, she is ready for a new home. But it seems she is a bit shy. Perhaps find a quiet spot and fish while she warms up to you. Your help has been invaluable, Trovian. May your spring be filled with joy and magic!
Travel to a Forbidden Spires biome and catch some fish! Fishing Poles and Lures can be purchased from Saltwater Sam in the Hub.
Reward Itty Bitty Chick
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Daily Login Rewards
- 2018-04-17
Gem Booster Box 1
- 2018-04-18
Chaos Chest 7
- 2018-04-19
Lapis Luckbug 5
- 2018-04-20
Diamond Dragonite 5
- 2018-04-21
Bound Brilliance 3
- 2018-04-22
Gem Booster Box 1
- 2018-04-23
Empowered Gem Box 3
- 2018-04-24
Jade Clover 10
- 2018-04-25
Lapis Luckbug 5
- 2018-04-26
Chaos Chest 7
- 2018-04-27
Ninth Life 1
- 2018-04-28
Bound Brilliance 3
- 2018-04-29
Dragon Coin 10
- 2018-04-30
Gem Booster Box 1

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Forall of you looking for yeti, there is a simple explanation for it, the yeti is most commonly found in cursed skulls dungeons, and a special large dungeon. Figure 1.
Apart from that I don’t know where else to find them. They are not roaming around that is a lie.
This is my first response, so it may not be very proffesional but....Yetis do indeed rome around. They are very hard to find,but they do! For me personally, the yetis were found most commonly in these areas withtin Permafrost that was inbetween 2 hills of snow. But the easiest way to find, is cursed skulls.