Junebug has posted a list of accepted player made costumes and dragons, here is the list. They will be added in a future game update.

CostumesTop ^

jadebound loonglancer Costumes: Lunar Lancer

sry .. im not good in make story  (x)

Mitaura's Minotaur Costumes: Candy Barbarian

Loyal to the mythical paragon Mitaura, this warrior defends the people of the skies from the dangers of the shadows.

Rampage Datastreamer Costumes: Neon Ninja

A Luminopolis-style costume for Neon Ninja.

Arcanium Reconstructor Costumes: Tomb Raiser

Costume mod for the level 20 Tomb Raiser Costume.
The Reconstructor has an unending supply of gears and is able to recreate its minions time and time again.


Chaotic Curator Costumes: Revenant

The Chaotic Curator serves as a guardian for the mysterious Q'bthulhu...

Astronaut by Cicasjit (Not on Trovesaurus)

DragonsTop ^

old one still in here  https://trovesaurus.com/mod=4895/atlas-the-data-destoryer

Warning: It actually fast as Regular Jet

Huge thanks to Junebug for her help!


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