This month has been quite a busy one for site changes, here is the roundup.

Darkly Theme and Appearance ChangesTop ^

  • Added a new dark version of the site. You can switch themes on your profile, or by using the coloured boxes next to the logo. This is only available to users that are logged in.
  • Changes to the default theme have been made to help unify the site design, and a lot of custom styles have been removed.
  • A lot of pages designs have been changed and updated.
  • Upcoming giveaways are now displayed differently on the promotions page.
  • Added full tooltips to the front page recent art and recent mods list
  • Trovesaurus Mail messages now include user profile icons
  • Promotions section has been condensed on all pages apart from the dedicated promotions page, and the home page.
  • Removed the "thanks [gold user]" rotation messages, we need the space on the top, sorry
  • Collection designers are now featured more prominently at the top of the page.
  • Added a set of user role badges to user profiles, user boxes and tooltips. To display their platform, Gold status, Artist, Modder, Trion, Banned, Inactive etc.

Changes for ArtistsTop ^

  • When viewing a tag on the art gallery, if the tag belongs to a contest it will now show a link to the results page as well as the announcement page
  • Gallery preview images have a larger title, and proper links to the author (not just text)
  • Changed the appearance of the art pages, automatically generated subtitle text, tags appear cleaner, buttons placed better, new appearance like section, new appearance other art section
    • Subtitles are generated using the first paragraph of the art text body
    • Artist box previews are generated from the first paragraph of the users bio text, useful for linking to artists other pages
  • If viewing contest entries, the preview image will turn yellow if there is another entry by that person. This makes it easier to spot if there are multiple entries by the same person.
  • Art contests are now listed on the gallery sidebar, instead of just a mass of tags, images, dates and participation is listed.
  • Added total number of likes to the title of preview images
  • Artists can now report stolen art directly to me, with a box for proof.
  • Artists can now request deletion of their art, with a provided reason.
  • Added some extra safeguards to prevent non urls being entered as art sources.
  • If an artist is banned, or we've had to set a manual note on the art, the preview border is red instead of blue.
  • If you like an art entry, the preview panel is now green.
  • You can now see active art contests on the Artists page
  • The latest flagged Artists are now listed on the Artists page
  • Added a new field for Commissions URL in a user profile, Artists and Modders can use this to provide an additional URL and flag themselves as accepting commisions.
  • Added a box to highlight artists who are accepting commisions.
  • Artists are now automatically flagged once they meet the appropriate criteria:
    • At least 5 art uploaded
    • 5 unique artists already flagged have liked their work
  • Art Chrono the Discord announcement bot has been made aware of contest closing times and will now shout warnings in art chat at 7 days and 2 days.
  • Art upload notifications on Discord now have a new appearance, with a much larger preview image
  • Artists page is now ranked by the total number of likes, instead of the total number of entries.
  • Screenshots have been spit from Art on a users profile page, there is a new tab for them.

Changes for ModdersTop ^

  • Removed "Updated Mod" as an action from the user profile activity page
  • Mods can no longer have a custom text field for authors, this is now automatically generated for the owner and any additional editors
  • Modders who have a Twitter account linked on their profile should now be mentioned by handle when their mod is announced on Twitter
  • Modders are now automatically flagged once they meet the appropriate criteria:
    • At least 5 mods uploaded
    • 5 unique modders already flagged have liked their work
  • Modders now get their own page,
  • Modders can now directly gift Trovesaurus 20 of their codes directly from their Code Vault for use in Giveaways.

Site ContributionsTop ^

  • You can now submit corrections and information directly to the site.
  • There is a new button on collection pages to Submit Correction, you can choose various fields to adjust. When submitted this will be sent to a moderator for approval.
  • Contributions are credited to that user on the page, along with the before and after text.

Site LanguagesTop ^

  • Site languages can no longer be downvoted, positive likes only please. All negative votes have been wiped.
  • Site languages table is now colour coded, green = full translation, yellow = over half translated, red = less than half translated.
  • Site languages are now more easily accepted and displayed on the top-right drop down
    • Accepted TR from anilcan
    • Accepted UK from JerarFernades
    • Accepted SK from lachim2005
    • Accepted PL from blindghost
    • Accepted KO from Luone
    • We could do with updated DE / RU / ZH / IT packs

Other ChangesTop ^

  • A lot of announcements to Discord, Twitter and Facebook for News, Art and Events are now processed on a seperate task and are re-queued if they fail, increasing reliability.
  • Closed a way for people to create multiple accounts easily for giveaways using variations of the same email address, note this did not have any effect on the giveaway chances
  • Stripped extra @ characters from the twitter field people set on their profiles
  • Updated the Lore page, enter some text to search the Styles, Item, Deco and Collections database for references to lore.
  • The site will no longer confuse you and ask for an activation code when you register for an account, activation is done using the usual method of email login
  • The site should now tell you when it fails to send the login email, so you aren't left waiting forever
  • Added a note to the login emails to tell you that it expires if you try to log in again
  • Fixed an issue when manually adjusting the tokens that someone has wiped their custom title
  • Added a new notification to users who run an alternate language pack to the one recommended for their language.
  • Added some protection for when Trion changes the publish date on their articles (URL), so they aren't duplicated.
  • You can now one-click Leave and Join country communities.
  • Fixed an issue where only people who could change the current contest rotation, could see the current contest rotation.

SupportTop ^

This last month we served 814,000 pages to 80,500 visitors - Stats

If you want to support the site, we accept donations and in return hide adverts for you, as well as some other perks.

Please check out Trovesaurus Gold - 

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You're doing a tremendous job! I come here weekly to enter giveaways and read updates and I don't plan on stopping any time soon. 

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