Llamafest is a Trovesaurus hosted event where we celebrate all things Llama. Take part in our giveaways and contests for a chance to receive one of the little balls of cuteness.
Thanks to Evilagician and
SkyTheVirus for help with the header image.
Up for Grabs
- [collection=Sweet Sally] thanks to
- [collection=Fiery Kiely] thanks to
- [collection=Changeling Channing] thanks to
- [collection=Anachronistic Antoine] thanks to
- [collection=Kami Llami] thanks to
- [collection=Scary Mary] thanks to
- Friday, March 31, 2017 to Monday, May 8, 2017
Art Contest
- Create some fan art representing one of the Trove llamas, real or fictional
- Submit to the Trovesaurus Gallery with tag Llamafest
- All work must be your own, screenshots, builds and photoshopped images are not permitted.
- Please sign your work with your character name so we know its yours
Rewards (may scale based on participation)
- 4x chosen winners receive 3x Reward Tokens
- 8x chosen winners receive 2x Reward Tokens
- 16x random winners receive 1x Reward Token
Mod Contest
- Create a llama themed mod
- Submit to the Trovesaurus Mods section
- Add the mod to the Llamafest Mod Pack
- Please submit at least 3 images for your mod, we can't install them all when we judge
Rewards (may scale based on participation)
- 4x chosen winners receive 3x Reward Tokens
- 8x chosen winners receive 2x Reward Tokens
- 16x random winners receive 1x Reward Token
Story Contest
- Create a Llama themed story
- Submit to the Llamatale Entries page comments section
- Must feature at least one of the Llamas in this event
- 15 lines maximum story
- 6x winners will receive a llama of their choice (PC)
In-Game (PC)
Each week as event rewards we will give out:
- 10x [item=Llama Talisman]
- 1x each of the Llamas
Week 1 - Llamastone
- Create a Llama themed Cornerstone
- Take a screenshot of your cornerstone
- Submit screenshot to Llamastone Entries page
Week 2 - Llamahunt
- Hunt down someone with a Llama mount
- Take a screenshot of your character standing next to them
- Submit screenshot to the Trovesaurus Gallery with tag Llamahunt SCREENSHOT
Week 3 - Llamacide
- Take part in the Llama themed Battle Arena in the Trovesaurus Club World
- Take a screenshot of your character in the Battle Arena
- Submit screenshot to the Trovesaurus Gallery with tag Llamacide SCREENSHOT
Week 4 - Llamapride - Cancelled
- Turn up to the Trovesaurus club world with a Llama mount (or CLOSEST YOU CAN PRETEND) during a determined time
- keep an eye on calendar, we'll give at least 24 hours notice
- Get noticed by an officer and added to the draw list
Rewards Section
All llamas are on the Rewards Section to claim for 3x Reward Tokens.
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adorable llamas, as are the creators of them. We do hv a lot of talent here. great job all,keep designing