Entries for the Llamatale event, please submit your Llama themed story in the comments below.
- Create a Llama themed story
- Must feature at least one of the Llamas in this event
- 15 lines maximum story
- Post the story in the comments below
- Friday, March 31, 2017 to Monday, May 1, 2017
- 6 winners will receive a llama of their choice (based on availability)

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* Narrator * : It was that day that changed Billy The Llama .....
Billy was a naughty and mischievious llama . But that day .. changes that ...
* 2 years ago * Billy was in his house , watching his favourite llama show , eating his favourite grass-flavoured popcorn .
* Someone knocks on the door * Billy opened the door and it was his friend Lambert The Alpaca . Lambert : " Hey ! Wanna go and play ? Wanna go and play ? Wanna go and play ? "
Billy : " Ooooookay , i guess ? MOM ! I am going out with Lambert ! Cya ! " Mama llama : " But wai.... " * Billy goes out and closes the door * Mama llama : " oh well ... "
Billy : " So lambert , what should we do ? " Lambert : " Definitely something fun ! "
Billy : " How about ... The Forest Of Kami The Cursed ? " Lambert : " But ... The cursed llama god Kami Llami lives there ! He will eat us ! "
Billy : " Awwwww ..... dont worry , its just an old folklore that is used to scare us so we dont go there . " Lambert : " I ... umm .... okay " Lambert thought to himself : " Why do i have a feeling something is going to go wrong ....... "
* Billy and Lambert arrived at the gates of the forest * Billy stepped inside bravely while Lambert walks in slowly .
Billy : " WOW ! The grass here is fresh and nice ! " * Billy eats the grass happily * Lambert : " You know .. we really shouldn't do that ... Kami will hunt us down . "
Billy : " AGAIN LAMBERT ? I told you , its fake ! " * A dark purple shadowy creature lurks from behind * Lambert : " Bi...lly .. Behind ... you ... " * Lambert fainted * * Billy turns around and got hit by the mysterious creature and fainted *
* At the creature's lair , Billy and Lambert woke up * Billy : " WHERE ARE WE !?!?!? HELP !!!! " Lambert : " Told you ..... we should not eat that grass or come here ... not we're dead " Billy : " Wait ... you are an alpaca , you can spit acid , right ? "
Lambert : " Ohh yeah .. i totally forgot . "
* Kami Llami came * Kami Llami : " Mmmm ... a llama and an alpaca ... Nice ! you guys will be my dinner of the day ! " * Kami opens the cage and grabs Billy first * As Kami opens Lambert's cage , He spitted acid on Kami's face , blinding him .
Billy and Lambert used this chance and escaped . Kami " NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!! " Lambert : " That was sooo close ! Too close ! " Billy : " Lets run .. and never return again ! "
Narrator : " So thats the end of the story .... Billy and Lambert never went in to forest again ...... But will they be safe from Kami ? "
thanks for alexia3133 for helping with the english and the write
On a stormy long night, there was only darkness me and my moonwing dragon flying to get shelter when we got hit my a thunderbolt everything turned black. when I woke up again I was in this temple my dragon wounded badly nowhere to escape. when I saw a figure that looked like the rare animal it was called Kami Llama.... id never think that I would see such a holy creature before my eyes. when all of a sudden he ran away I chased after him trying to catch up but he escaped. catching my breath on and on and on I was in a dungeon and me didn't even notice. it said come come Come come COME I got scared but when inside and followed the voice. I was killing monsters for so meany days I lost track but finally, I came to the heart of the dungeon eagerly to claim the treasure this dungeon held but there was nothing only the Llama. he talked to me and said are you worthy of possessing me and I said.... Yes, i am. he believed me and brought me back to my dragon, he healed moonwing and said goody bye but what I did not know was that I could only summon him in deadly situations and I woke back up from my coma gaining conscious but it was really him and he was in my power to possess.
the end
Bye Nighoul
After so many days on the road though the Highlands we finally found a tavern at which we could rest after such a long jurney.As we entered we saw that the tavern was almost empty but not really.Everyone was at one of the tables listening to an old man.We were curious so we aproached him as well.When we got there we heard him say:
Huh so you want to hear another story?Sure i have time for one more.Hm which one should i tell you now?Ah i know!What about the legend of Kami Llami : There was once an adventurer that went through Shadow Towers like it was nothing.One day without realizing he forgot his Llama inside one of the floors.He didn't know what happened so he thought the Llama just ran away.The Llama waited and waited for so long that even the creatures in the Shaodw Tower were sad for what happened so they took the Llama in their family.The Llama lived there quite happily but something bothered him.The way adventurers hurt his family every time they came through.The Llama decided that he wanted to fight so he joined his friends in the fight.While the others would be defeated the Llama would fight so ferociously that no adventurer could go through alive.Seeing this the creatures presented the Llama to the Daughter of the Moon and after she heard the feats of the Llama she bestowed the power of The Abyss upon the Llama changing him forever.His fur turned black and swirls of Kami fire started to go through it.After that the Llama used it's power to kill all adventurers that would try to hurt his family and would take their heads as trophies.This is how Kami Llami the guardian of shadow creatures was born,though the spirit of revenge againts the ones who abandoned him.
We were intrigued by what he said and we wanted to see Kami Llami with our own eyes.After he finished and left we went straight to a Shadow portal to try and find the legendary Kami Llami.
I dropped down into the dungeon, ferociously bombing my way to the heart of it, eager to loot the gembox and stellar gear that awaited me in the chest below. Finishing the dragon whelp with just a single thrust of my spear made me chuckle, "even the dungeon guardians are nothing but cannon fodder to a seasoned adventurer such as myself." I wiped the sweat off my forehead, ready to use the golden blue portal which would lead me outside of this infernal place. Without warning, I heard a noise coming from the staircase which was left unused on my trek downwards, instead opting for an arsenal of bombs to make my way.
"Clomp Clomp Clomp"
I couldn't quite put my finger on what was making that noise. Whatever it was, I'm sure it wouldn't put up much of a fight, anyways. As the monster grew ever nearer, I could see it's giant flickering shadow on the walls, before finally reaching the last step and turning the corner. I hadn't seen a beast quite like this before.. but I have heard stories of this awful beast. Fiery Kiely looked at me, its molten red eyes gleaming with a thirst for blood. I turned to run away, instead opting to save my own tail versus a showdown with this foul beast. I knew my potions were nearing empty and Fiery Kiely did not look like the sort of monster that would be felled with a single strike. Before I knew what was happening, he was on top of me, using his giant hooves to smash and grind my ribs into shards of bone. Tearing chunks of my flesh off with each bite, my screams echoed throughout the dungeon. Unable to move or speak due to the extensive damage done to my once proud body, I laid there unable to defend myself. With my last ounce of strength, I looked up into his blood red eyes with sadness, pleading with him to let me live. Of course, he paid me no mind, taking my head clean off with a single vicious bite.
Even though I'm sitting safely at my cornerstone now, respawned and with a full stock of potions, I'm too afraid to adventure anymore.
Those eyes... They will be forever burned into my memory.
Ahead, the candy house Sweet Sally resides in could be seen.The ambrosial scent of the mouthwatering sweets she always likes to eat immediately wafted up the noses of Changeling Channing and Anachronistic Antoine."God damn Sally, always hoarding all the sweets she find in Candoria!We never get to eat any of the delicious sweets Dracocolatl makes and drops around Candoria because of Sally, who always keeps all the sweets to herself!" "Yeh, i reckon we should just teach that selfish prick a lesson,but how?"Just then,the distinct smell of charred skin and the rancid smell of rotten flesh overwhelmed the sweet's scent.The llamas turned to see an exasperated Scary Mary,accompanied by her roommate,Fiery Kiely."We managed to find a few sweets while travelling across Candoria yesterday,but they have been stolen!We reckon Sally stole them while we were asleep,and we've come to teach her a lesson! What are you guys doing here anyways?"exclaimed Mary."We wanted to teach her a lesson too,to stop being so selfish with her sweets.Why don't we come up with a plan together to just get rid of Sally?None of us ever liked her anyways!"Just like this,the llamas came up with a deliberate plan to get rid of Sally once and for all.All along, Kami Llami had been silently sitting behind a tree beside the llamas,devising the perfect counterplan to the other llamas' evil plot to assasinate Sally...
“I’m not really ice cream!”, I yelled at the Lunar Lancer following me. That things sweet tooth was so big, I could see it from here! It’s mouth was full of them! I continued running until I came to the edge of a chocolate pit. “Finally, Sweet Sally! This ice cream llama shall be mine!”, he shouted so loud the whole server heard him. He was blocks away from me, but he was getting ready to throw his spear. I had nowhere to run. He threw it then grappled immediately. His attack had knock back though, and sent us both into the chocolate below. The Lancer climbed on top of me and I saw him level up. I knew I was now his. He got off and walked away victoriously. Confused as to why he got off, I wandered out of the chocolate to begin grazing. I had just taken the first bite when I was teleported to him. He was riding me. He rode until he came to a dungeon. He then got off and I was teleported back to my spot. I looked around and saw other llamas like me getting captured. I guessed this was my new life. Could be worse, I could have been captured by a candy barbarian who would have eaten me!
Their once was a little town called Antonbrass in the middle of nowhere. And in Antonbrass lived a happy bunch of mechanical people made of the fine brass and copper.
Now these people where quite simple. For their creator, whom was a lonely watchmaker, made them soley to keep him company in his old age.
The little mechanical people loved to please their master, for the watchmaker had made them that way.
They would put on plays or dance to a musical tune. They would sing, jump up and down, even tell the most corny jokes to see the old man smile.
But amongst all these, the old watchmaker enjoyed anything related to llamas. Just something about them made him crack up!
Mabey it was the way they walked or the way they talked.All the little brass people knew was that llamas would fill their master with joy!
So for years, they made plays about llamas, songs about llamas, even a whole 500 page book filled with jokes only about llamas!
But as the years past by, the old soft hearted watchmaker got very ill and could no longer smile.
The little brass people tried their best to make their master smile once more befor he died. But the poor man was too ill.
So as the man took his last breaths, the little mechanical people, in their final attempt to please the watch maker, disassembled themselfs and started to reassemble themselfs in the form of a llama.
The poor brass people were in agony as they pulled gears from their bodys and springs from their heads, yet they did not show it.
Finally when every gear had been put in place the new brass llama started to dance.
The Frail man was awestruck. He just stared at the mechanical llama move back and forth in an attempt to dance...then he giggled, then he giggled again but louder, and again, and again till He had an unstoppable laugh so loud that for a moment the old man was better again.
Then slowly as he laughed he got softer and softer till he was silent.
The brass llama mourned his masters death and took on the name Antoine after the old forgotten town, Antonbrass, which was the home to the strongest bond between man and machine the world has ever known.
For Llami, she has always been the unseen deity revered by many of Neon City. Overshadowed by her older kin, the Kami of the Forlorn Forest, he himself, and many of the others, a reminder of the devastation the rapid progression of technology has done to their land. Even so, their goals are on a far wider and grander scale.
but Llami, she always preferred to help with the littlest of things. Such was the case of a particular being that had caught her attention not that long ago. A lone Neon Ninja, who donned the armour not unlike those who once served under the Moon Goddess. She saw the look in their eyes, that they were searching for something, unsure of where to go.
Curiosity got the better of her, and she approached them. "Are you lost?" She asked, her voice soft, despite having that synthetic feel like all of her kin had. The Neon Ninja looked up at her, and she quickly realized why they were in the predicament they were in: She saw the familiar teal, caring gaze the Moon Goddess once had before her betrayal against her sister and fall into darkness. It was she herself, reborn into a new body under unknown circumstances. The Neon Ninja tried to say something, but no words came out of her. Either a broken vocal box or none at all.
"You're unable to talk I see." Llami then said. "But I can tell you're looking for something." The Neon Ninja nodded, then looked around for something to write with. Seeing nothing she then decided to be creative, and sketch out a crude drawing of the sun in the ground with the tip of her sword. She then pointed to that, then to herself, then at the sky.
The Kami Llama took a moment to understand what she was saying, until it clicked in her processor. "Oh! You're looking for her sister?" She then asked, and the Neon Ninja nodded rapidly. "I have not a clue as to where she is, but at the least, I can aide you on your journey. I not know how long it will be, but rest assured, I will help you with finding your sister, wherever she is."
The Neon Ninja nodded, before carving a name into the ground: Zeah. Llami nodded. "Well Zeah, we should get going then. Where we will go, is where we will find your missing sister." The Kami Llama then knelt down to allow Zeah to ride on her back. Once she was on, Llama got back up and trotted off with her new ally in tow.
There are many reasons why Kami Llami is described as "Revered by good, upstanding llamas everywhere", it is because she is willing to help aide others, no matter how big or small the venture is.
Hairy Llarry was a regular llama. Greyish-white, nothing spectacular. Though there's nothing special about Llarry, his life is rather different from his friends: His owner is a Revenant ! That means he can't copy his owner's hairstyle because his owner has no head ! Llarry didn't mind that he couldn't copy his owner's hairstyle. He's not one to jump on the bandwagon like the others. All he cared about was Sweet Sally and the way she is. He wished he could go on adventures with Sweet Sally forever, venturing from the depths of hot lava of Dragonfire Peaks, to the heights of cold clouds of Sky Realm. However, he can't speak to Sally much about hairstyles. He got sad. "Llarry, what's wrong ? Is it because you don't have a hairstyle ?" Sweet Sally asked. "To be honest I only care about copying hairstyles so I could talk to you because I like you" Llary replied. "We like each other ! Let's move in together !" Sally said. "I guess.. Alpaca my bags. Heh" Hairy Llary said with a wink. Sweet Sally left him because of that bad pun. THE END.
Hairy Llarry was a regular llama. Greyish-white, nothing spectacular. He has many friends, such as Kami Llami - the handsome llama, Fiery Kiely - the hot tempered one, Scary Mary - the one Llarry's the most afraid of, Sweet Sally - the lovely and swe- awww... *ehem* Changeling Channing - the cute but weird one, and Anachronistic Antoine - the old fashioned one. They'd often gather regularly and talk about silly hairstyles they've copied from their owners. It was the current trend for llamas to be copying their owner's hairstyles. Even Anachronistic Antoine couldn't help but to dive into the trend despite being her old-fashioned self.
Though there's nothing special about Hairy Llarry, his life is rather different from his friends: His owner is a Revenant ! That means he can't copy his owner's hairstyle because his owner has no head ! When the hairstyle copy hype began, Hairy Llarry didn't mind that he couldn't copy his owner's hairstyle. He's not one to jump on the bandwagon like the others. All he cared about was Sweet Sally and the way she is. He wished he could go on adventures with Sweet Sally forever, venturing from the depths of hot lava of Dragonfire Peaks, to the heights of cold clouds of Sky Realm.
However, the peer pressure started to get to Hairy Llarry. On one gathering, Llarry suddenly felt like he was left out. While Sweet Sally happily spoke about hairstyles, he couldn't say anything but to laugh and smile. Deep down, Hairy Llary knows that he's laughing out of conformity so that he wouldn't seem. He doesn't really understand what they're laughing about, but he wish he did. If only he could be like Llami who speaks stories so often so he could get Sweet Sally's attention. He began to feel bad.
"Llarry, what's wrong ?" Sweet Sally asked.
"Uhh, oh ! Nothing ! Just a little tired, that's all" Hairy Llarry said with a forced grin.
"Give him a break, darling ! That Rev's a little heavy, I'm sure !" said Llami.
"I saw Daughter of The Moon with Son of The Sun today" said Changeling Channing out of nowhere.
"Oh you think that Rev's heavy ?! My owner was carrying 1 million flux in his pocket for flux's sake ! My back was about to break !" exclaimed Fiery Kiely as she stomped and destroyed a cube on the floor.
"Come on, Kiely. We all know no one has 1 million flux today.." argued Anachronistic Antoine.
"Antoine, it's 2017 it's not alpha 2015 anymore.." said Scary Mary.
Hairy Llarry made a hefty sigh and walked away.
"I'll go talk to him. You guys go ahead." Sweet Sally told the group with a sweet smile and left.
"Hey, Llary wait up !" Sweet Sally called out to Hairy Llary who was walking home.
"What up, Sally ?" Llary said in a depressing tone, walking forward slowly looking at the floor without giving a glance.
"Are you okay ? I don't think you're tired. You're bothered aren't you ?" Sweet Sally stride beside.
"I mean.. it's not like my owner treats me bad or anything. He loves me and I love him. It's just that he doesn't have a hairstyle.."
"Oh ? Looks like someone's finally bothered about copying hairstyles" Sweet Sally teases by looking at the other direction.
"Actually, not really. To be honest I only care about copying hairstyles so I could at least say something.."
"Hmm, peer pressure I see.."
"Nope. Just so I could get your attention." Llarry came out straight.
"My attention ?" Sweet Sally stopped her pace and blushed. "But why ?"
"Because I like you" Hairy Llarry said softly such that it sounded like a mumble to Sweet Sally.
"Wait what ???" Sweet Sally got excited. Her tail wiggles and she run forward to catch up.
"Nothing." Llarry said looking at another direction after realizing what he just said.
"Did you say what I think you just said ?" Sweet Sally asked.
"I didn't say anything." Hairy Llarry blushes.
"Welp, in that case you don't have to know what I feel too. Hmph !" Sweet Sally stops her pace and walks away from Llary.
"Wait wait wait ! I like you. Okay ? I wanted to copy hairstyles just so I can make you laugh like Llami did. But I can't. So I can't get your attention, and I'm sad. Okay ?" Hairy Llarry confessed.
"Someone oughta take over my title.. Sweet Llarry. *giggles*" Sweet Sally's face turned rose red.
"Okay I'm done.. Uhh. Bye !" Hairy Llarry tries to escape.
"Wait !" Sweet Sally quickly exclaimed.
Hairy Llarry stops after his first step.
"I.. I like you too, Llarry." Sally said blushing.
"Y.. you.. you do ??" Hairy Llary blushes. "But why ?"
"I mean.. so what if you can't copy hairstyles. So what if Llami gets my attention. You're Hairy Llarry and that doesn't change regardless of the trend. What makes you special among them is that you're nothing special, just a regular llama." Sally confesses.
"I'm conflicted." Hairy Llary said not knowing what to feel.
"Oh Llarry, don't you see ? We like each other ! You're all I want.. Let's move in together !" Sally said.
"Really ?? Oh my.. I.. I'm excited.. I'm so happy ! Yeah let's move in together ! Hehehehehehehehehehehehe" Hairy Llary grin from ear to ear.
"Yes, let's move in together and we'll live happy ever after !" Sweet Sally said to Hairy Llary with sparkling eyes.
"I guess.. Alpaca my bags. Heh" Hairy Llary said with a wink.
The sparkle in Sweet Sally's eyes died off instantly.
Sweet Sally's rose red cheeks and blush flushed away in a split second.
Sweet Sally's expression drastically changed to a poker face.
"Nah, you know what, it's okay.. I think.. I think.. I think we shouldn't take this any further. It's unhealthy." Sweet Sally told Hairy Llarry.
"What ?? But.. But why ?? Is it the pun ??" Hairy Llarry said in a shivering tone.
"Don't ask me why, Llarry. I don't like you anymore." Sweet Sally walked away.
Hairy Llary broke down and cries on his knees yelling "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ??????"
*NOTE: Sorry for bad English
One fine day ETAEW was riding around with his friendly llama, Sweet Sally. When he rode into the cursed skylands and saw a shadow of something big NO SOMETHING GIANT.... o wait it's just Scary Mary. WAIT ITS SCARY MARY. Scary Mary Started Chewing at Sweet Sally, when ETAEW got out a whip and started whipping Scary Mary. But Mary just ate ETAEW in one bite. Sweet Sally just started bowing down to Scary Mary. Turns out Mary can talk he said, "**** off nerd" and ate him too. Mary started dancing around when ETAEW respawned and slayed him. THE END
A curse hangs upon those who say her name. Yes, this person is a female, or should I say this creature. Those who call upon her get nightmares if they survive, some even end their own lives shortly and to those that dont survive, are dragged down to her realm. She lives in a seperate dimension, parallel to ours, she is the eye that watches all. Long before her curse or banishment, she was once a beautiful creature, thick white fur, eyes as blue as the ocean. She used to gallop around the world we live in, grazing at every grass she found tasty. In a different time long before she had been born, Llama's were forced to work and carry goods for the people of Trove. That all changed after the Revolution and the Shadow's Invasion. The world of Trove was shattered to pieces after those major events, and for our lovely Llama, Mary. She found herself at the Cursed Lands, a continent sealed by the gods and kept at the Shadow Realm but somehow during the Invasion, the seal broke and it reapearred and continued to spread. Mary was abducted by the Shadows along with the entire continent she laid foot on, her fur turned to a grayish black and her eyes made of pure evil. Mary began terrorizing the world, no god dared to stop her, not even the shadows which caused her to be sealed. Now however, the seal weakens and her escape is inevitable. Only 3 calls of her name on the mirror and you're in for a ride..if only you dared to.
Trove is a vast and magical world, full of mystical mounts and pets, each with their own unique abilities. There are Dragons, Dinosaurs, and even Robotic Creations. Though who needs a Hippogryph or a Manticore when you can own your very own Llama! The lands of Trove contain a vast variety of Llamas, each with special features that can appeal to any adventurer. From observing their behavior and actions, travelers have determined that Llamas make great companions. They are extremely social and friendly, and run impressively fast, reaching 65 kilometer per hour at top speed. Llamas do however require much attention and care, if left alone for too long, they often become lonely, and chew random objects out of anxiousness. They also need to be regularly groomed to maintain a frisk appearance. Overall Llamas are amazing as both pets and mounts and are a great addition to a long expedition. By observing their habitats, adventurers have determined that Llamas are extremely adaptable, and many biomes have their own respective Llama. From an aquatic Angler Llama, to a sweet Candy Llama, the variety of Llamas is very extensive. So what are you waiting for, there are Llamas to discover and tame, and many more varieties to be discovered. So get out there Trovians, and explore the world of Llamas. Just watch out for spit!
One day there was a Llama, the Llama had no friends, only a pig that rolls in the mud. The Pig didnt like the Llama but they are friends just to brag. So the Llama wanted a REAL friend so he set off on an Adventure to find a friend Llama. The Llama had to travel through all the worlds before finding a friend, he found one in the Sky Realm (Trove) but it was......... A CLOUD! The cloud let the Llama jump on to him but the cloud was thin air so the Llama fell straight through. Then as he was falling a Trove Person came riding a Candy Dragon and the Llama fell straight on its head. Then the Dragon Breathed chocolate out of his mouth for the Llama to eat, the Llama was Very hungry. After that the Trove Person adopted/Saved the Llama and Him, the Llama and the Dragon Lived happily ever after, the end!