We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Flakbeard patch.
CollectionsTop ^
Verses of Violence icon changed from
Verses of Violence category changed from 'InProgressAuras' to 'ReadyForGameAuras'
Dance of the Firefly category changed from 'InProgressAuras' to 'ReadyForGameAuras'
Tough Love category changed from 'InProgressAuras' to 'ReadyForGameAuras'
Vibrant Vibe category changed from 'InProgressAuras' to 'ReadyForGameAuras'
Whispers of Chaos category changed from 'Radiant Auras' to 'Chaotic Auras'
Verses of Violence icon changed from
Verses of Violence category changed from 'InProgressAuras' to 'Chaotic Auras'
- NEW:
Cobalt Carp - An ancient battleship, centerpiece of many storied naval victories (Chaotic)
- NEW:
Infini Frigate - Lay Siege to the Shores of the Everdark in this flagship of light (Chaotic)
- NEW:
Cerulean Squad Quad - This lightweight racer is part of Team Cerulean's lineup for the Pan-Trovian Rally (InProgress)
- NEW:
Cinnabar Squad Quad - Team Cinnabar's Pan-Trovian Rally roster leans more toward the heavy hardware, but has a few slots open for these (InProgress)
- NEW:
No-Quarter Bounder - No cheese, just a roiling coil that will pound your foes into hamburger (InProgress)
- NEW:
Bon Bomba - This volatile cocktail of sugar and explosives is most certainly unsuitable for children. (InProgress)
- NEW:
Bitty Bayou Biter - To the fully grown version, you'd be little more than a snack (InProgress)
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Rocket Ship - No ghosts here, rise above the superstition with the power of science! (InProgress)
- NEW:
Scout Saucer - A single-occupant extra-trovian vessel commissioned for surreptitious surveillance (InProgress)
Flakbeard, the Relentless category changed from 'READY_FOR_GAME' to 'Legendary Dragon'
Cyclone Skimmer category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Chaotic'
- NEW:
Whacky Waffle - Not quite syrup-and-sriracha cray, but quickly headed that way (Chaotic)
- NEW:
Proto Platypus - Hardy and highly adaptable, it is the origin of many later species (Chaotic)
- NEW:
Batty Batoid - Skating along the edge of oblivion, bottom feeding on anarchy and disarray (Chaotic)
- NEW:
Infineon Insignia Sail - Bears the emblem of light's eternal struggle against darkness (Chaotic Sails)
- NEW:
Square Junk Sail - This traditional sail design combines function and aesthetics (Chaotic Sails)
Brownie Boosters icon changed from
Brownie Boosters category changed from 'ReadyForGame' to 'Chaotic'
ItemsTop ^
Aura: Verses of Violence - A fitting ode to the chaos of battle
Ship: Cobalt Carp - An ancient battleship, centerpiece of many storied naval victories
Ship: Infini Frigate - Lay Siege to the Shores of the Everdark in this flagship of light
Mount: No-Quarter Bounder - No cheese, just a roiling coil that will pound your foes into hamburger
Mount: Whacky Waffle name changed from 'Whacky Waffle' to 'Mount: Whacky Waffle'
Mount: Whacky Waffle - Not quite syrup-and-sriracha cray, but quickly headed that way
Mount: Batty Batoid - Skating along the edge of oblivion, bottom feeding on anarchy and disarray
Mount: Batty Batoid - Skating along the edge of oblivion, bottom feeding on anarchy and disarray
Mount: Cerulean Squad Quad - This lightweight racer is part of Team Cerulean's lineup for the Pan-Trovian Rally
Mount: Cinnabar Squad Quad - Team Cinnabar's Pan-Trovian Rally roster leans more toward the heavy hardware, but has a few slots open for these
Mount: Bitty Bayou Biter - To the fully grown version, you'd be little more than a snack
Mount: Proto Platypus - Hardy and highly adaptable, it is the origin of many later species
Mount: Proto Platypus - Hardy and highly adaptable, it is the origin of many later species
Mount: Bon Bomba - This volatile cocktail of sugar and explosives is most certainly unsuitable for children.
Mount: Cyclone Skimmer - Inhabiting the marine skies, it plays in and around storm without a care
Mount: Cyclone Skimmer - Inhabiting the marine skies, it plays in and around storm without a care
Wings: Brownie Boosters -
Wings: Brownie Boosters -
StylesTop ^
Winter Waker Helm name changed from 'Costume: Winter Waker' to 'Winter Waker Helm'
Winter Waker Helm description changed from 'Tomb Raiser Costume' to 'A snug mug that keeps the cold in'
Booplesnoot by Trove Team - For those bad hare days.
Mouseketeer by Trove Team - Best in his field.
Discount Unicorn by Trove Team - Real unicorns have curves.
Emo Bear by Trove Team - Eats, Shoots, Leaves.
StringsTop ^
[$Event_cny_name] => Lunar New Year! [$Event_cny_description] => Dormant Lunar Egg 90% off in the Store! [$Event_vday_name] => Hellbugs in Love! [$Event_vday_description] => Quests! Invaders! Daily Rewards! Play Defiance! [$CollectionName_Chaotic_Sails] => Chaotic Sails [$CollectionName_ChaoticAuras] => Chaotic Auras [$prefabs_collections_mount_ball_beehive_item_name] => Bouncing Beehive [$prefabs_collections_mount_ball_beehive_item_description] => The inhabitants of this sweet mount are cool with you hitching a ride, just don't break anything [$prefabs_collections_mount_dog_corgi_verlis_item_name] => Verlis Wolf [$prefabs_collections_mount_dog_corgi_verlis_item_description] => A likeable lupine with an affinity for finding and collecting eclectic companions [$prefabs_collections_mount_ball_bouncyspring_name] => No-Quarter Bounder [$prefabs_collections_mount_ball_bouncyspring_description] => No cheese, just a roiling coil that will pound your foes into hamburger [$prefabs_collections_mount_carpet_raychaos_name] => Batty Batoid [$prefabs_collections_mount_carpet_raychaos_description] => Skating along the edge of oblivion, bottom feeding on anarchy and disarray [$prefabs_collections_mount_cycle_quad_blue_name] => Cerulean Squad Quad [$prefabs_collections_mount_cycle_quad_blue_description] => This lightweight racer is part of Team Cerulean's lineup for the Pan-Trovian Rally [$prefabs_collections_mount_cycle_quad_red_name] => Cinnabar Squad Quad [$prefabs_collections_mount_cycle_quad_red_description] => Team Cinnabar's Pan-Trovian Rally roster leans more toward the heavy hardware, but has a few slots open for these [$prefabs_collections_mount_platypus_croc_name] => Bitty Bayou Biter [$prefabs_collections_mount_platypus_croc_description] => To the fully grown version, you'd be little more than a snack [$prefabs_collections_mount_rocket_candy_name] => Bon Bomba [$prefabs_collections_mount_rocket_candy_description] => This volatile cocktail of sugar and explosives is most certainly unsuitable for children. [$prefabs_collections_mount_platypus_prehistoric_name] => Proto Platypus [$prefabs_collections_mount_platypus_prehistoric_description] => Hardy and highly adaptable, it is the origin of many later species [$prefabs_collections_wings_chocolate_name] => Brownie Boosters [$prefabs_collections_wings_chocolate_description] => Skim the skies with these cascading cocoa streams [$prefabs_item_mount_griffon_undead_name] => Mount: Neverending Necrowmancer [$prefabs_item_mount_ball_bouncyspring_name] => Mount: No-Quarter Bounder [$prefabs_item_mount_ball_bouncyspring_description] => No cheese, just a roiling coil that will pound your foes into hamburger [$prefabs_item_mount_carpet_raychaos_name] => Mount: Batty Batoid [$prefabs_item_mount_carpet_raychaos_description] => Skating along the edge of oblivion, bottom feeding on anarchy and disarray [$prefabs_item_mount_cycle_quad_blue_name] => Mount: Cerulean Squad Quad [$prefabs_item_mount_cycle_quad_blue_description] => This lightweight racer is part of Team Cerulean's lineup for the Pan-Trovian Rally [$prefabs_item_mount_cycle_quad_red_name] => Mount: Cinnabar Squad Quad [$prefabs_item_mount_cycle_quad_red_description] => Team Cinnabar's Pan-Trovian Rally roster leans more toward the heavy hardware, but has a few slots open for these [$prefabs_item_mount_platypus_croc_name] => Mount: Bitty Bayou Biter [$prefabs_item_mount_platypus_croc_description] => To the fully grown version, you'd be little more than a snack [$prefabs_item_mount_platypus_prehistoric_name] => Mount: Proto Platypus [$prefabs_item_mount_platypus_prehistoric_description] => Hardy and highly adaptable, it is the origin of many later species [$prefabs_item_mount_rocket_candy_name] => Mount: Bon Bomba [$prefabs_item_mount_rocket_candy_description] => This volatile cocktail of sugar and explosives is most certainly unsuitable for children. [$prefabs_item_wings_chocoalte_item_name] => Wings: Brownie Boosters [$prefabs_loot_Hat_29_68_name] => Winter Waker Helm [$prefabs_loot_Hat_29_68_desc] => A snug mug that keeps the cold in
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