Beginners Guide to Climbing the Power Rank Ladder
Mod Packs (List)
Created by
LunarTrove 5 years ago, updated 3 years ago
I suggest new players use Faster Boss Radar then trying out Master Radar later
You cannot use both Mods at the same time. Master Radar is nice for Geode Topside when things are tucked away in tight rooms and around corners but I don't find its effects appropriate inside Shadow Towers.
The Shadow UI mods list here are what I felt would be essential to a new player, grab the rest in the link to complete the theme if you wish or track down the original mod by reading each of the Shadow UI mod descriptions.
Feel free to browse the Popular Section of Mods
You cannot use both Mods at the same time. Master Radar is nice for Geode Topside when things are tucked away in tight rooms and around corners but I don't find its effects appropriate inside Shadow Towers.
The Shadow UI mods list here are what I felt would be essential to a new player, grab the rest in the link to complete the theme if you wish or track down the original mod by reading each of the Shadow UI mod descriptions.
Feel free to browse the Popular Section of Mods
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