dragons and mounts i want Lists

Submitted by nitrogod94, 8 years ago

List Contents

Albairn, Voice of Dawn

Trove Mastery Points 250

Mounts (Legendary Dragon)


  • 90 Movement Speed


  • 95 Movement Speed
  • 100 Glide

Obtained as a Very Rare drop from a Trove of Wonders.

Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game marketplace.

Disaeon the Immortal

Mounts (Ancestral Dragon)


  • 90 Movement Speed


  • 95 Movement Speed
  • 100 Glide

Previously obtained using the Refer a Friend program, or from purchasing a pack during the Console Beta.

Now obtained from any purchase on the Trove Store.


  • 90 Movement Speed


  • 95 Movement Speed
  • 100 Glide

Can be instantly unlocked with Golden Iridescent Dragon Egg which can be rarely unboxed from Greater Dragon Caches or purchased from in-game marketplace.

Erel, The Ironbolt

Trove Mastery Points 250

Mounts (Legendary Dragon)


  • 90 Movement Speed


  • 95 Movement Speed
  • 100 Glide
  • Crafted at the [item=Dragon Crucible] with the [item=Dormant Siege Dragon Egg], purchased from the Trove Store for  10 000 Cubits or the  Double Dragon Pack  for $ 19 . 99 USD.
  • Automatically unlocked with a [item=Golden Siege Dragon Egg], a Rare drop from a [item=Greater Dragon Cache].


  • 90 Movement Speed


  • 95 Movement Speed
  • 100 Glide

Can crafted with the required materials at a Dragon Crucible.

Can be unlocked by using a Golden Wisdom Dragon Egg  - tradable, unboxed from Greater Dragon Caches.


  • 90 Movement Speed


  • 95 Movement Speed
  • 100 Glide

Can crafted with the required materials at a Dragon Crucible.

Can be unlocked by using a Golden Tidal Dragon Egg  - tradable, unboxed from Greater Dragon Caches.


  • 90 Movement Speed


  • 95 Movement Speed
  • 100 Glide

Can be instantly unlocked with Golden Dragon Kami Egg which can be rarely unboxed from Greater Dragon Caches or purchased from in-game marketplace.

Chaos Codex

Trove Mastery Points 100

Tomes (Legendary Tomes)

Legendary Tome

  • Equip to charge by completing dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches
  • When fully charged it produces [Chaos Chest; 10]
  • This effect can only trigger once a week.

This item can be purchased at the in-game store for credits.

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  • Can be crafted at the [item=Chaos Core Crafter]


  • Equip to charge by completing dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches
  • When fully charged it produces [Flux; 100]
  • This effect can be triggered repeatedly

This tome can be crafted at the [item=Runecrafting bench] with a profession level of 50.

Mount: Techno Tortoise Item / mount

Ride in style to the wub-wub of your favourite soundtracks.

Mega Chaos Chest Item / crafting

Loot Collect this item to gain a massive number of chaos chests.

Mega Chaos Chest Item / crafting

Loot Collect this item to gain a massive number of chaos chests.

Ganda of POWER Item / lootbox

Not ganda destroy THIS on accident, are ya?.

Golden Ticket Chest Item / lootbox

Happy first anniversary Trove! Open for a wide range of exciting items.

Radiant Cache Item / lootbox

Open it to obtain Radiant treasures! Has a chance of containing the rare Radiant Steed mount.

Ancient Allure

Trove Mastery Points 50

Auras (Radiant Auras)

Can be applied at [item=Enchanted Forge] to Radiant and higher tier weapons for extra VFX effect

Obtained through Ancient Dragon Ascension upon consuming 90 [item=Ancient Dragon Soul]

1 Year Patron Pass Item / unlocker

Use to grant yourself 1 year of Patron status.

Check out the Patron tab on the Store (Press [HK:Store]) for details!.

Inventory Expander: 1 Row Item / unlocker

Use to unlock an additional row (5 slots) of inventory space.

The additional slots may be in your second or third bag.

Pistol Vault Style Stash Item / unlocker

Unlock a random Pistol Vault style you don't already have unlocked.

A mysterious sentient device that stabilizes airborne entities.

When the device proved too difficult to control, the Runic Master channelled the power of the Neon City's floating knowledge repositories to create a construct that would mediate between the device and its user.

V6 Flux Capacitor Item / quest

Capable of storing almost limitless amounts of energy.

In the end, however, her research was discovered, she was banished, and her machines was smashed to pieces and hurled from the Sky Realms, to land in the oceans of the Prime, where sailors and treasure seekers find remnants of it to this day.

Aimed Turret Blue Item / Building

Light Gunship

Trove Mastery Points 100

Mounts (Extra Life)


  • 90 Movement Speed


  • 95 Movement Speed
  • 100 Glide

Obtained exclusively through the Mega Menagerie Pack  for 29 . 99 USD


  • 90 Movement Speed

Originally obtained from the Power Pack and Essentials pack. This item is now exclusively available via Luxion.

Flux Item / crafting

Crafting Material.

\n\nGain Flux from using the Loot Collector on equipment.

Mastery Pinata Manuscript

Tomes (Mastery Tomes)

Legendary Tome

  • Equip to charge by completing dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches
  • When fully charged it produces 5 Mastery Pinatas
  • This effect can only trigger once a week

Automatically unlocked upon reaching Trove Mastery 280.


  • Equip to charge by completing dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches
  • When fully charged it produces [Flux; 100]
  • This effect can be triggered repeatedly

This tome can be crafted at the [item=Runecrafting bench] with a profession level of 50.

Mega Chaos Chest Item / crafting

Loot Collect this item to gain a massive number of chaos chests.

Mega Flux Item / crafting

Loot Collect this item to gain a massive amount of flux.

Dark Chaos Vault Item / lootbox

A charged chaos chest which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus.

Also has a chance to award Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragments.

Light Chaos Vault Item / lootbox

A charged chaos chest which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely light pegasus wings, and very rarely a light pegasus.

Also has a chance to award Dormant Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragments.

Hyper Pinata EX

Mounts (Event Vault)


  • 90 Movement Speed


  • 90 Movement Speed
  • 100 Glide

Can be obtained as a Very Rare drop from a [item=Golden Ticket Chest] during Sunfest event.

Some mounts were given away during Trove Dev streams. It was also included in donation goal milestone rewards during Extra Life 2017 promotion.

You have won an entire air force! Use to unlock 15 mighty dragons: Erel, Yorinn, Erimatra, Selene, Panatea, Ludini, Fortras, Albairn, Dracocolatl, Thallasion, Flakbeard, Drak-O-Lantern, Inora, Tysorion, and Tannenbomber.

It's Raining More Mounts! Item / unlocker

You've won beyond comprehension.

Use to unlock nearly every mount in Trove!.

Chaos Coin Item / unlocker

Increases your Chaos Factor by one.

Dragon Force Item / unlocker

Use to grant yourself six mighty dragons: Panatea, the Partifier; Ludini, Patron of Playfulness; Erimatra, Scourge of the Everdark; Selene, the Celestial Storm; Yorinn, the Dusk Shadow; and Erel, the Ironbolt.

Shadow Style Stash Item / unlocker

Unlock a random Shadow style you don't already have unlocked.

Paragon Pistol

Mastery of marksmanship, made manifest.

Cycle of the Master

Mounts (Mastery)


  • 90 Movement Speed

This mount is rewarded by obtaining Trove mastery rank 90.

Jet Jammer

Trove Mastery Points 70

Skins (Gunslinger)

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Can only be obtained through crafting at [Chaos Core Crafter], not tradable.

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