Usages Download

The Streamer Dream


Grants a random, special Streamer reward that you don't already have unlocked.

Imported in Patch: Faster Fish and Double Dragon Criado por: Trove Team

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Luxion spreads Love – Until September 5, 2022!

Luxion returns to the Hub to ring on the weekend with special offers. Get yourself a Snug Lovebug Rug to spread some love on your next adventures, grab a Chaotic Cumulonimbus to brave the stormy weather, and reward yourself with a delicious Toasty Co...

September 2, 2022 Blog Luxion

Luxion returns with cool items – Until July 25, 2022!

Luxion lands in the Hub to ring in the weekend. Visit our majestic dragon to get a variety of cool items that will help you deal with the heat of summer in Trove! Jump on the Blizzard Behemoth and make it snow wherever you go, board the SS Solidarity...

July 22, 2022 Blog Luxion

Twitch Drops return to Trove!

Dear Trovians,We are glad to announce the return of Twitch Drops for Trove! In anticipation of the Polished Paragon update for consoles, Twitch Drops will be available for Trove – starting December 3, 2021. Prepare yourse...

December 3, 2021 Blog

Shadow's Eve - Twitch Drops

To celebrate the Shadow's Eve event, Trove is running a Twitch Drops event. Watch Drops Enabled streams with your Twitch account linked to Glyph for a total of 7 hours to receive a Chaos Chest, Streamer Dream 1-3, Dev Dream, Not So Grim Reaper ally and Bo...

October 16, 2021 Twitch Drops

Fae vs. Undead - Twitch Drops

To celebrate the Fae vs. Undead event, Trove is running two Twitch Drops campaigns for the duration of the event. Check out the rewards below:...

September 14, 2021 Twitch Drops

Server Surprise Care Package

Hello there Trovians!It's been one heck of a day getting the server maintenance in today, as we ran into issues we did not expect. Although this maintenance was specifically related to our server platform, we will have more news about content updates comi...

August 22, 2019 Announcement

Streamer Dreams Arrives on Trovesaurus Rewards

The Trovesaurus Rewards section have received a batch of [the streamer dream], [the streamer dream 2], [the streamer dream 3]. These items have been unavailable since the Trion Creators Program was suspended, so are a nice rarity for newer players. The ...

July 24, 2019 Site

Geode Patch Notes

Patch notes for the Geode update released June 26, 2018. Adding the world of Geode and the adventures within....

June 25, 2018 Patch

Heroes: Database Update - Strings

We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Trove - Heroes update and detected the following new client strings....

March 27, 2018 Database Update Heroes Strings