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Style Comments
Showing all Comments posted on style pages.
Adamus2705 on
Turbo Turkey Crash Helmet | Hat Style
8 years ago
Anyone selling this???
EmperorVelocity on
Saurian Skullcap | Hat Style
8 years ago
Where can you farm it?
Pin Head | Hat Style
8 years ago
This comment has been removed
RagnaWolf on
Wooden Woe | Face Style
8 years ago
is it a reference to the deku mask?
Galactius202 on
Skyfire Crown | Hat Style
8 years ago
Wish I had this.
Can't even get it from super style stashes, feelsbadman.
Compact Cruiser | Hat Style
8 years ago
This comment has been removed
Openk on
Signal Shooter | Pistol Weapon Style
8 years ago
is a tf2 reference i like :)
Boozy on
Candorian Conqueror's Cowl | Hat Style
8 years ago
how is this item obtained?
Mrlazy 420 on
Freshwater Font | Staff Weapon Style
8 years ago
How do you actually summon the water?
KingJiaHD on
Lunar Ronin's Blade | Melee Weapon Style
8 years ago
Is there a white one??
Rosain on
Searwhorl Shark | Melee Weapon Style
8 years ago
Currently Unobtainable Through non-preview means
Rosain on
Lava Lamprey | Melee Weapon Style
8 years ago
Currently Unobtainable
EnderFawx on
Shadowscorn Saboteur Helm | Hat Style
8 years ago
Btw, I can't seem to get the blueprints.bat file to work properly; it runs, but it doesn't put anything into my blueprint folder when it finishes. Its causing problems because I want to upload my mod
Etaew on
Shadowscorn Saboteur Helm | Hat Style
8 years ago
This is true, Trovesaurus isn't responsible for updating the models on Troxel though. That is up to Ignitas who does this manually from time to time.
EnderFawx on
Shadowscorn Saboteur Helm | Hat Style
8 years ago
Doesn't have a model in Troxel
Masterborne7 on
Trucker's Topper | Hat Style
8 years ago
How do I get this? I need this for a mod.
Nosbai on
Otter Topper | Hat Style
8 years ago
yo idk how to work the troxel thing it doesnt show the hat and i need a model to make a 3d pixle art so is there a way to see a 3d model the one above isnt working for me
Iwaj on
Cyberian Survivor Hood | Hat Style
8 years ago
How do you get this?
TheSmokeButterCurry on Shadow Sight Helm | Hat Style
8 years ago
Cool with skull head.