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Contest Comments
Showing all Comments posted on contest pages.
JasperSpacey on
Unhandled contest / 28
8 years ago
so long, i need automatic fishing mods on PS4.
masterofspinjitzu on
Unhandled contest / 18
8 years ago
Because its not over yet.
Contest end at the end of the week
LitheValkerian on
Unhandled contest / 19
8 years ago
Well considering that the prices and pages are updated by players in their spare time, maybe instead of complaining since it's sooooo rediculous, you could help out!
MrLonely330 on
Unhandled contest / 7
8 years ago
Replies are far and few between around here,don't think they have anyone man this or any other Trove sites/forums ... Had to blow up Trion games even for account issues.
Perhaps things will get better as soon as beta and testing is complete.
MrLonely330 on
Unhandled contest / 19
8 years ago
Yeah not much explaining or updated info on any of these Trove related pages.. 95% of all info is from 2015. Market price guides for quick glancing are 30% min. Less priced than prices currently.
Just hope this changes soon,in a world tech based this is rediculous
Kirb-b-boy on
Unhandled contest / 19
8 years ago
Is this available on the PS4?
Matrix-_99 on
Unhandled contest / 19
8 years ago
Thanks for the help :)
Etaew on
Unhandled contest / 19
8 years ago
These are in-game contests, check your game menu under Leaderboards section.
Matrix-_99 on
Unhandled contest / 19
8 years ago
can any one help me what is this and how do i do it
Etaew on
Unhandled contest / 3
8 years ago
These are contests in-game. Check the Leaderboards section.
Matrix-_99 on
Unhandled contest / 3
8 years ago
how does this work?
bobfishkins23 on
Unhandled contest / 6
8 years ago
Should add a note:
Experience that would be gained on level 30 classes is counted as gained for this contests.
SpookiPants on
Unhandled contest / 7
8 years ago
Is this if you just level up as a Candy Barb with PR, just leveling up, or Mastery Rank. Also, does trove need to be synced up with troveasaurus?
A reply would be very helpful. Thanks.
TriggaXTC on
Unhandled contest / 18
8 years ago
I didn't get any of my rewards from this contest..
nithin a kumar on
Unhandled contest / 4
8 years ago
How does this contest work?
Rush_Pytaek on Unhandled contest / 19
7 years ago