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Style Comments
Showing all Comments posted on style pages.
DapperDragon on
Short Shrift Shanker | Melee Weapon Style
8 years ago
I cannot find this style at all. I have been farming for three days in the beginning world. Not one Shanker. I don't understand.
Thorix on
Mustard Bombers | Pistol Weapon Style
8 years ago
Where can i find this style ?
Gwunger on
Blade of the Trovian Defender | Melee Weapon Style
8 years ago
I need sword !!!! >"<
NightsViper on
Dimensional Diviner | Face Style
8 years ago
Oh okay, thank you Etaew!
Etaew on
Dimensional Diviner | Face Style
8 years ago
It's just flavour text, they are just an appearance. It references their use as 3D Glasses.
NightsViper on
Dimensional Diviner | Face Style
8 years ago
New member here. :) What exactly does "Wearing these reveals previously hidden facets of reality" mean? I just found some of these and I want to know what they do. Thanks for all the work that has gone into this site!
Infinium on
Compliant Cudgel | Staff Weapon Style
9 years ago
Yes, it looks the exact same as the Monkey King spear
This creator Razkharn stole our clubs portals and items and is not to be trusted.
Botanist's Brim | Hat Style
10 years ago
Please turn the blue band into a red one! I must create my whole One Piece crew!
Dark Thoughts | Melee Weapon Style
10 years ago
How good is Dark Thoughts? Is it legendary or relic or something? Because all i see is a black border with a purple background. It's really stronger than my other legendary and relic items.
Neon Knight's Blade | Melee Weapon Style
10 years ago
where do I get this sword ( biome and place )
Carapace Cutter | Melee Weapon Style
10 years ago
where do I get this sword ( biome and place )
Sharpened Shadow Shard | Melee Weapon Style
10 years ago
where do I get this sword ( biome and place )
Flameprong Propagator | Bow Weapon Style
10 years ago
I have the flameproof propagator its a relic. i cant find it here tho
Dusty_Mustard on
Masterwork Sword | Melee Weapon Style
10 years ago
Fi Amaranth posted:
Is this sword still obtainable for melee classes in lower level uber worlds?
No. You obtain this Sword style now through the Melee Style Vault, or Melee Style Boxes from Runecrafting.
Masterwork Sword | Melee Weapon Style
10 years ago
Is this sword still obtainable for melee classes in lower level uber worlds?
Roiling Rage | Face Style
10 years ago
Hey, that is actually mine! :) Yes, i am Lenzsio lolol
Sweet Smile | Face Style
10 years ago
Wish it was easier to find.
Night Raider | Melee Weapon Style
10 years ago
This MindlessGaming guy sounds like a real noob.
itryen_the_furry on 8-bit Basher | Melee Weapon Style
8 years ago
only problem: i am not a leftie.