Evergreen Evoker

Showing pages that match the terms collections/skin/chloromancer_christmas, Evergreen Evoker.
Hey Trovians!Whether you’re an experienced Chloromancer, or you are looking to become one, now’s the perfect time to embrace the harmonious vibes of Trove with our Chloromancer’s Bloom deals!Add a touch of tranquility to your adventures,...
October 22, 2024 Blog
Hey Trovians!Whether you’re an experienced Chloromancer, or you are looking to become one, now’s the perfect time to embrace the harmonious vibes of Trove with our Chloromancer’s Bloom deals!Add a touch of tranquility to your adventures,...
December 5, 2023 Blog
Are you missing any classes that you haven’t managed to unlock yet?This week our great promotional offer for classes 2 will be dedicated to all boomerang worshipers – with the Boomeranger, to lovers of all things green – with the Ch...
October 19, 2021 Blog
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Depth Charge patch....
April 11, 2017 Database Update
In this spotlight we chat with Trove Modder - SkyRider3217 about her approach to modding....
February 21, 2017 Mod Author Spotlight Community Spotlight
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Snowfest & Get Crafty! patch....
December 20, 2016 Database Update
I've just finished rebuilding our database importer, so I'll run it now to bring us up to date. A load of changes will be unannounced and will bring the database back up to live status. A further update will be run tomorrow....
August 15, 2016 Database Update
Wondering how much mastery a pack will give you? Here's the information on that and more! The guide has been updated with current store inventory as of 07/26....
Packs or Bundles are offered on the Trove Store to group several items together. They are sometimes time limited, and have been categorized as Founder's Packs, Starter Packs, Class Packs, Costume Packs, and Feature Packs....
July 11, 2016