Wondering how much mastery a pack will give you? Here's the information on that and more! The guide has been updated with current store inventory as of 07/26.


These listings are here to help assist players in making the understanding where the most of their money counts in terms of mastery and value.

Definitions in this guide:

  • USD: United States Dollar. Widely used North American currency.
  • CR: Credits. Trove's cash currency.
  • CU: Cubits. Trove's ingame currency. Not mentioned anywhere else in this guide. Sorry!

Mastery Listing

Class mastery points is calculated as follows:

  • Level 1:
    • 15 mastery points
  • Level 30:
    • 450 mastery points (level)
    • + 50 mastery points (level 10 and level 20 costume)
    • + 125 mastery points (level 20 bonus)
    • + 200 mastery points (max level bonus)

Bundles are sorted highest to lowest by maximum mastery gained including level 30 classes. Costume bundles in guide may be missing styles.

Essentials Pack 29.99USD
Class Token (Untradable) x10

150 (level 1)

8250 (level 30)

Legendary Tome: Dragon Coin 100
Legendary Tome: Jade Clover 100
Mounts x10 500
Wings: Wings of the Phoenix 100
Mount: Trovian Supercycle 50
Hat Style: Trove Topper 10
Boat: SS Trovian 50
Sail: Trovian Sail 10
Mastery per USD

30.68 (no class)

305.77 (level 30)

Total Mastery

920 (no class)

9170 (level 30)


Class Pack (only available through Trove website store) 19.99USD
Class Token (Untradable) x5

75 (level 1)

4125 (level 30)

Mastery per USD

3.75 (level 1)

206.35 (level 30)

Total Mastery

75 (level 1)

4125 (level 30)


Power Pack (unavailable, replaced by Essentials Pack) 19.99USD
Class Token (Untradable) x2

30 (level 1)

1650 (level 30)

Wings: Wings of the Phoenix 100
Mount: Trovian Supercycle 50
Hat Style: Trove Topper 10
Boat: SS Trovian 50
Sail: Trovian Sail 10
Mastery per USD

10.01 (no class)

88.54 (level 30)

Total Mastery

220 (no class)

1770 (level 30)


Lunacy Pack 19.99USD
Class: Lunar Lancer

15 (level 1)

875 (level 30)

Costume: Bronze Lunar Lancer (Lunar Lancer) 25
Costume: Dark Lunar Lancer (Lunar Lancer) 25
Mount: Kougetsu the Falling Snow 50
Mount: Kazuki the Dancing Flame 50
Legendary Tome: Dragon Coin 100
Legendary Tome: Chaos Codex 100
Mastery per USD

18.01 (no class)

61.28 (level 30)

Total Mastery

360 (no class)

1225 (level 30)


Block Beard's Pirate Pack 19.99USD
Class: Pirate Captain

15 (level 1)

875 (level 30)

Costume: Master of Commanding (Pirate Captain) 25
Style: Trusty Sidearm 1
Costume: Ghost Pirate (Pirate Captain) 25
Style: Ghost Pirate Helm 10
Boat: SS Draconic 100
Boat: SS Dutchman 100
Sail: Dragon Sail 20
Sail: Ghost Sail 20
Mastery per USD

15.06 (no class)

58.83 (level 30)

Total Mastery

301 (no class)

1176 (level 30)


Necrofancy Pack 19.99USD
Class: Tomb Raiser

15 (level 1)

875 (level 30)

Costume: Soulkeeper (Tomb Raiser) 25
Costume: Acidic (Tomb Raiser) 25
Mount: Boneweaver 50
Mount: Spite Biter 50
Wings: Soulfire Wings 100
Mastery per USD

12.51 (no class)

56.28 (level 30)

Total Mastery

250 (no class)

1125 (level 30)


Adventure Pack 19.99USD
Class: Boomeranger

15 (level 1)

875 (level 30)

Costume: Dark Boomeranger (Boomeranger) 25
Costume: Winter Boomeranger (Boomeranger) 25
Flask: Balanced Elysian Flask 25
Flask: Elysian Bandolier 25
Emblem: Soothing Rain 25
Emblem: Energizing Rain 25
Emblem: Repulsing 25
Emblem: Berserker 25
Mastery per USD

10.01 (no clasS)

53.78 (level 30)

Total Mastery

200 (no class)

1075 (level 30)


Flower Power Pack 19.99USD
Class: Chloromancer

15 (level 1)

875 (level 30)

Costume: Myco Medic (Chloromancer) 25
Costume: Evergreen Evoker (Chloromancer) 25
Legendary Tome: Insta-Grower Informational 100
Tome: Rich Fertilizer Factuary 50
Mastery per USD

10.01 (no clasS)

53.78 (level 30)

Total Mastery

200 (no class)

1075 (level 30)


Raving Revenant Pack 19.99USD
Class: Revenant

15 (level 1)

875 (level 30)

Mag Rider: Metalhead 50
Costume: Scion of Cygnus (Revenant) 25
Costume: Candorian Praetorian (Revanant) 25
Mount: Revenant Warhorse 50
Mastery per USD

7.5 (no class)

51.28 (level 30)

Total Mastery

150 (no class)

1025 (level 30)


Prehistoric Pack 19.99USD
Class: Dino Tamer

15 (level 1)

875 (level 30)

Costume: Road Wrangler 25
Costume: Jurassic Jungler 25
Mount: Laseratops 50
Mastery per USD

5 (no class)

48.77 (level 30)

Total Mastery

100 (no class)

975 (level 30)


Extra Life 2015 19.99USD
Costume: Duskrider Dragoon (Lunar Lancer) 25
Style: Duskrider Dragoncrown 10
Style: Duskrider Dragonlance 1
Mount: Yorinn the Dusk Shadow (Dragon) 250
Mount: Erel the Ironbolt (Dragon) 250
Mount: Aquila the Furred 50
Mount: Guinness 50
Mount: Rowdy 50
Ally: Radar 20
Ally: Drizzy 20
Ally: Poisonous Perry 20
Ally: Sandwich 20
Ally: Corinne 20
Ally: Skrgle 20
Ally: James Joystick 20
Ally: Dr. Quesbly 75
Gun Style: Sparkle Sprinkler 1
Spear Style: Spirit's Scorn 1
Spear Style: Silver Spork 1
Hat Style: Cardinal Cap 1
Hat Style: Teddy Tophat 1
Hat Style: Dullard's Doff 1
Hat Style: Rainbow Chaser 10
Hat Style: Sundae Warrior 10
Hat Style: Stead-o-matic Visor 10
Hat Style: Loaded Leatherhead 10
Hat Style: The Arcadian 10
Face Style: Stalker's Silence 1
Mastery per USD

22.92 (no dragons)

47.92 (dragons)

Total Mastery

458 (no dragons)

958 (dragons)


Collector's Pack 19.99USD
Mount x12 600
Random Style x100 100
Hat Style: Hat of Hats 1
Mastery per USD 35.07 Total Mastery 701


To the Nines Pack 19.99USD
Costume: Dreamolyte (Dracolyte) 25
Hat Style: Dreamer's Hood 10
Costume: Guardian Angel (Fae Trickster) 25
Hat Style: Angelic Hood 10
Costume: Shadow Shroud (Shadow Hunter) 25
Hat Style: Shadow Shroud Full Helm 10
Bow Style: Shadow Shroud's Shooter 1
Costume: Molten Fury (Ice Sage) 25
Hat Style: Molten Helm 10
Staff Style: Fire Rod 1
Costume: Pink Candy Bearbarian 25
Hat Style: Pink Gummy Bearbarian 10
Costume: Blue Candy Bearbarian 25
Hat Style: Blue Gummy Bearbarian 10
Costume: Neonstroke (Neon Ninja) 25
Hat Style: Neon Stroke Helm 10
Melee Style: Neon Stroke Edge 1
Costume: Reboot (Neon Ninja) 25
Hat Style: Reboot Main Interface 10
Costume: Mad Scientist (Pirate Captain) 25
Hat Style: Mad for Science 10
Gun Style: Doom-o-zap 1
Mastery per USD 17.71 Total Mastery 354


Shadow's Eve Pack 19.99USD
Costume: Funereal Pharaoh (Tomb Raiser) 25
Hat Style: Funereal Pharaoh's Crown 10
Costume: Monkey King (Lunar Lancer) 25
Hat Style: Monkey King's Crown 10
Spear Style: Monkey King Spear 1
Costume: Comic Hero (Boomeranger) 25
Hat Style: Comic Hero Helm 10
Bow Style: Comic Hero Bow 1
Melee Style: Comic Hero Sword 1
Costume: Magic Man (Boomeranger) 25
Hat Style: Magician Hat 1
Staff Style: Magician's Wand 1
Costume: Shipyard Scavenger (Pirate Captain) 25
Hat Style: Deep Sea Diver 10
Costume: Sakura Sage (Ice Sage) 25
Hat Style: Shimata 10
Costume: Mecha-Dracolyte (Dracolyte) 25
Hat Style: Mech Pilot Headgear 10
Staff Style: Mecha-Staff 1
Costume: Night Owl (Fae Trickster) 25
Hat Style: Night Owl Helm 10
Staff Style: Night Owl Staff 1
Mastery per USD 13.86 Total Mastery 277


Blitz and Glitz Pack 19.99USD
Costume: Bee Trickster (Fae Trickster) 25
Hat Style: Bee Keeper Helm 10
Costume: F43 Trickster (Fae Trickster) 25
Hat Style: F43 Helm 10
Costume: Shadow's Disciple (Ice Sage) 25
Hat Style: Shadow Disciple's Helm 10
Costume: Heartbreaker (Gunslinger) 25
Hat Style: Heartbreaker Hat 1
Gun Style: Heartbreaker Pistol 1
Costume: Dark Infineon (Candy Barbarian) 25
Hat Style: Dark Infineon Helm 10
Melee Style: Infineon Edge 1
Costume: Sugar Skull (Candy Barbarian) 25
Hat Style: Sugar Skull Helm 10
Costume: Heartbleed (Neon Ninja) 25
Hat Style: Heartbleed Helm 10
Costume: Lunar Ronin (Neon Ninja) 25
Hat Style: Lunar Ronin's Helm 10
Melee Style: Lunar Ronin's Blade 1
Mastery per USD 13.71 Total Mastery 274


Creator's Pack 19.99USD
Mount: Bull Dozer 100
Legendary Tome: Big Bomb 100
Recipe x25 50
Mastery per USD 12.51 Total Mastery 250


Starter Pack (only available for first 7 days after account creation) 4.99USD
Hat Style: Dark Hood 10
Mount: Sir Sebastian 50
Mastery per USD 12.02 Total Mastery 60


Arcanium Expedition Pack (only available through Steam Store) 19.99USD
Boat: Arcanium Steamboat 50
Mount: Arcanium Crawler 50
Wings: Arcanium Discord 100
Melee Style: Crowbar 1
Hat Style: Headcrab 10
Ally: Companion Cube 10
Mastery per USD 11.06 Total Mastery 221


Battle Pack 19.99USD
Mount: Orange Battle Tiger 50
Mount: Red War Wolf 50
Mount: Red Terror Turtle 100
Mastery per USD 10.01 Total Mastery 200


Gem Sampler Pack 19.99USD
Legendary Tome: Empowered Gem 100
Mastery per USD 5 Total Mastery 100


Gem Fanatic Pack 49.99USD
Legendary Tome: Empowered Gem 100
Mastery per USD 2 Total Mastery 100


Gem Maniac Pack 99.99USD
Stellar Aura: Sun and Moon 50
Legendary Tome: Empowered Gem 100
Mastery per USD 1.50 Total Mastery 150


Radiant Pack 29.99USD
Mastery per USD 0 Total Mastery 0

Credit to USD Listing

Credit per dollar is calculated with a 185CR to 1USD ratio.

CR Price/185CR=USD Value

Items are arranged by tabs from left to right and items from top to bottom. Items are listed as base values excluding discounts. No items that can be bought with cubits only are listed.


USD Normal CR Bonus CR CR per USD
4.99 750 0 150
19.99 3000 250 162.5
49.99 7500 1000 170
99.99 15000 3500 185


  Amount Credit USD Value
Gem Booster Boxes 1 50 0.27
11 500 2.70
31 1500 8.11
Jade Clovers 1 5 0.03
10 50 0.27
50 250 2.70
Glittering Horseshoes 1 25 0.14
10 250 1.35
50 1250 6.76
Lapis Luckbugs 1 75 0.41
10 750 4.05
50 3750 20.27
Ninth Life 1 950 5.14
Legendary Tome: Gem 1 4000 21.62
Legendary Tome: Jade 1 2500 13.51


  Amount Credit USD Value
Chaos Chests 1 50 0.27
10 500 2.70
100 5000 27.02
Legendary Tome: Chaos 1 2500 13.51


  Amount Credit USD Value
Greater Dragon Caches  1 250 1.35
11 2500 13.51
Legendary Tome: Dragon 1 2500 13.51


  Amount Credit USD Value
Costume Mystery Boxes 1 500 3.24
10 5400 29.19


  Credit USD Value
Elysian Bandolier 750 4.05
Balanced Elysian Flask 750 4.05
Elysian Jug 750 4.05
Death-Defying Vial 2000 10.81
___ Emblem 1000 5.41


  Amount Credit USD Value
Inventory Expanders 1 500 2.70
10 5000 27.03
Golden Key 1 2000 10.81
Pinatas 1 200 1.08
5 750 4.05
50 6500 35.13
100 9000 48.65
Rename Tag 1 1200 6.49
Heart-a-Phone 1 500 2.70
Eyes of Q'bthulhu 50 250 1.35
Tentacles of Q'bthulhu 10 500 2.70
Sir Sebastion 1 750 4.05
Bull Dozer 1 3000 16.22
Neon Nightcycle 1 1625 8.78
War Horse 1 1625 8.78 
Domo Gato 1 1625 8.78 
Overlord Omniseat 1 1625 8.78 
Love Seat 1 1625 8.78 
Uni-Cycle 1 1625 8.78 
Daimeownt 1 1625 8.78 
Arcanium Crawler 1 1625 8.78 
Boneweaver 1 1625 8.78
Ari Gato 1 1625 8.78
Spite Biter 1 1625 8.78
Bloodseeker Wings 1 2500 13.51
Xero Line Wings 1 2500 13.51 
Arcanium Discord 1 2500 13.51 
Soulfire Wings 1 2500 13.51 
Stormcaller Wings 1 2500 13.51 
SS Draconic 1 2500 13.51 
SS Dutchman 1 2500 13.51 
Arcanium Steamboat 1 1625 8.78
Dance Pad 1 1625 8.78 
Legendary Tome: Bomb 1 2500 13.51
Legendary Tome: Growth 1 2500 13.51
Twinkling Tome 1 200 1.08
Omni Style Surprise 10 500 2.70
Recipe: Standard Signs 1 500 2.70


  Credit USD Value
Untradable 1050 5.68
Tradable 1200 6.49

The items below are not purchased from the store, but instead from their respective pages.


Personal Chest Expansion
  Credit USD Value
2nd 1200 6.49
3rd 1400 7.57
4th 1600 8.65
Total 4200 22.7


  Credit USD Value
2nd 750 4.05
3rd 1250 6.76
4th 1500 8.11
Total 3500 18.92


Marketplace Slot
  Credit USD Value
1 Slot 200 1.08
17 Slot Max 3400 18.38


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liked this!


One Thing i learn from reading this, all the packs are a scam beside the essential pack.