
Dark Boomeranger

A costume for the Boomeranger.

Stalk your enemies in stealth with these black pajamas.

Designer: Trove Team



Showing pages that match the terms collections/skin/adventurer_darkranger, Dark Boomeranger.

Boomeranger Bonanza – Until July 16, 2024!

Hello Trovians!Do you wonder what playing the Boomeranger class feels like? Or the Boomeranger is already your favorite class? Then it is your time to shine! Whether you’re into explosive classes or just want to up your costume game, we’ve...

July 9, 2024 Blog

Boomeranger Bonanza – Until April 23, 2024!

Hello Trovians!Do you wonder what playing the Boomeranger class feels like? Or the Boomeranger is already your favorite class? Then it is your time to shine! Whether you’re into explosive classes or just want to up your costume game, we’ve...

April 16, 2024 Blog

Boomeranger Bonanza – Until October 31, 2023!

Hello Trovians!Do you wonder what playing the Boomeranger class feels like? Or the Boomeranger is already your favorite class? Then it is your time to shine! Whether you’re into explosive classes or just want to up your costume game, we’ve...

October 25, 2023 Blog

Great promotional offer for classes 2 – Until October 26, 2021!

Are you missing any classes that you haven’t managed to unlock yet?This week our great promotional offer for classes 2 will be dedicated to all boomerang worshipers – with the Boomeranger, to lovers of all things green – with the Ch...

October 19, 2021 Blog

Costume Party Sale – Until July 24, 2021

Are you dressed appropriately for Trove’s costume party? Do you already have everything you need?If not, you now have the chance to get yourself even more costumes and, above all, an indispensable element of every party in Trove: summer pinatas...

July 16, 2021 Blog

Database Update - Depth Charge

We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Depth Charge patch....

April 11, 2017 Database Update

Store Items Sorted by Mastery/Price Value

Wondering how much mastery a pack will give you? Here's the information on that and more! The guide has been updated with current store inventory as of 07/26....

August 2, 2016 Bundles Store

Packs (Bundles)

Packs or Bundles are offered on the Trove Store to group several items together. They are sometimes time limited, and have been categorized as Founder's Packs, Starter Packs, Class Packs, Costume Packs, and Feature Packs....

July 11, 2016

Launch is Coming Update

Launch is coming: on July 9th, to be precise! With it comes the launch on Steam and the release of our latest class, the Tomb Raiser! But until then, we've got plenty to entertain you with! Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?24812-La...

July 7, 2015 Patch

PTS: Launch Update

The first patch on the PTS will be the launch update, although the PTS isn't accessible yet, the aim is to have it up today. Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?24066-Launch-Update-PTS-Patch-Notes-6-30-15 ...

July 1, 2015 Patch

Adventure Pack Giveaway - Winners Drawn

Thanks guys for another great turnout on a Trovesaurus giveaway, this helps us keep doing them in future. Over the past week we ran the Adventure Pack Giveaway to give out 5 Adventure Packs, and we are ready to announce the winners....

June 24, 2015 Giveaway

Monster Bash Update - Database Changes

We've updated our database for the Monster Bash Update....

May 19, 2015 Database Update

Welcoming Edition Database Update

We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Welcoming Edition patch....

April 28, 2015 Database Update