Whitehorn the Wellknown
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Showing pages that match the terms collections/pet/griffon_sunfest_carys, Whitehorn the Wellknown.

Luxion lands in the Hub – Until June 24, 2024!

Hello Trovians,Enjoy the summer vibes with Luxion! ☀️Store your summer loots with the Well-Travelled Treasure Chest mount 🌊. Take a seat on the Bone Throne 💀, which is sure to turn heads and command respect wherever you go. Cool down with th...

June 21, 2024 Blog Luxion

Luxion returns with some Heat – Until January 23, 2023!

Trovians, are you missing the warm weather? ☀Luxion re-visits the Sunfest as he returns to the Hub for a cozy weekend! Don’t miss this opportunity to get yourself the Sunfest 2021 Pingry, Tygrif, Whitehorn the Wellknown allies, and speed into the...

January 20, 2023 Blog Luxion

Sunfest Collectables

This years Sunfest event gives access to craft a bunch of items from each factions workbench respectively for their coins. Previous years allies can also be crafted for those who missed them in 2019. Doing the delves for the new flux currencies is the ma...

July 17, 2021 Sunfest 2021

Sunfest 2021 - Summary and Quest

Summary This summary is from what we understand and may need to be tweaked as we experience the event 3 new store packs 2000 Credits each [pack=149] [pack=150] [pack=151] 8 step quest 3 crafting benches - one for each House. New banner: [Ray...

July 13, 2021 Event Sunfest 2021