Luxion returns with some Heat – Until January 23, 2023!

Trovians, are you missing the warm weather? ☀
Luxion re-visits the Sunfest as he returns to the Hub for a cozy weekend! Don’t miss this opportunity to get yourself the Sunfest 2021 Pingry, Tygrif, Whitehorn the Wellknown allies, and speed into the weekend on your very own Cinnabar Squad Quad or Booster Seat!
Luxion will be waiting for you in the Light’s Den from January 20 and will magically disappear on January 23 at 11:00 am UTC.
Enjoy a preview of some of the gorgeous items that our majestic dragon has to offer this time:

What are you waiting for? Grab your dragon coins and hurry up, dear Trovians!
Luxion’s loot is a way for players who have missed out on time-limited items in the past to collect them directly. You will also find brand new items change out periodically for a higher amount of Dragon Coins. Items will repeat eventually, but it may take a while for a specific loot item to return, so be sure to check back every visit!