
Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/horse_brown, Stormy.
Hello, Trovians!Embrace the night with the Lunar Lancer class, transform your look with a variety of Lunar Lancer costumes, and much more.Conquer the shadows and claim your moonlit treasures as these deals will only be available from February 11, 2025...
February 11, 2025 Blog
Hello, Trovians!Embrace the night with the Lunar Lancer class, transform your look with a variety of Lunar Lancer costumes, and much more.Conquer the shadows and claim your moonlit treasures as these deals will only be available from August 27, 2024, ...
August 27, 2024 Blog
Hello Trovians,Luxion’s got some awesome new goodies for you! ☀️Roll into fun with the Roller Caterpoler 🐛, hop on Stormy 🐎 and ride the thunder through the biomes, or add a touch of class to your travels with Sir Sebastian 🏇. Need a bu...
Hello, Trovians!Get ready to sprinkle some magic and mischief into your adventures with our “Fae Mischief: Dance Through the Forest!” deals, running from April 30, at 11 AM UTC, until May 7, at 11 AM UTC – in our in-game store on all pla...
April 30, 2024 Blog
Hey Trovians!Luxion’s back with a basket full of surprises! 🌸Glide through the skies on the magical Kinshira of the Everdark Skies 🌌, or satisfy your quirky side with the adorably odd Mystifying Meatloaf 🥩. If you’re into somethin...
Luxion returns to the Hub, and he has a lot of amazing items in store for you!Luxion will be waiting for you in the Light’s Den from December 9 and will magically disappear on December 12 at 11:00 am UTC.Enjoy a preview of some of the gorgeous item...
While we are currently celebrating the glory of cowboys and dinosaurs during our Cowasaurs and Dinoboys event, Luxion joins us in the Hub to spread love and awesomeness on his own.Don’t miss out on 4 mounts, wings & much more that will help you...
Luxion returns to the Hub to ring on the weekend with special offers. Get yourself a Snug Lovebug Rug to spread some love on your next adventures, grab a Chaotic Cumulonimbus to brave the stormy weather, and reward yourself with a delicious Toasty Co...
Luxion returns to the Hub to spice up your collections. Speed into the weekend with our Steaming Cycle & don’t miss this opportunity to get your very own (rolli) corgi that will accompany you on your next adventures in Trove.Luxion will be wait...
Ever wanted to ride on your very own dinosaur? Wonder what it feels like flying through the wonderful world of Trove on a stormy cloud? Luxion has you covered as he returns with two mounts, an ally & much more to the Hub. Don’t miss this chance...
Luxion is back in our hub and he has a bunch of colorful mounts, wings and a Mag Rider in store for you!Luxion will be waiting for you in the Light’s Den from May 28 until May 31, and it will magically disappear at 11:00 am UTC. Here are som...
Luxion is back in our welcoming world to warm our hearts in these difficult and cold times.He has filled his hoard with mounts, allies, and a Restorative Emblem that unlocks a flask that temporarily boosts your health regeneration.From February 5, Lu...
These are the new and changed items we've detected on Trove - Geode PTS....
June 9, 2018 Database Update PTS Items
We've updated the PTS database to the Trove - Geode update....
June 9, 2018 Database Update PTS Collections
We've generated a list of String changes from the current live client to Geode on PTS....
The following is a list of new blueprints detected on the PTS client vs the current Live (Heroes) client....
May 18, 2018 Geode PTS Blueprints
We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Eclipse Update....
August 22, 2017 Database Update
Notes from the most recent Trove Livestream containing future updates, changes and weekly Q&A Segments. Source:
December 2, 2016 Livestream
The Trovesaurus database has been updated with the Chaos Factor Edition client files and the following changes have been made....
March 24, 2015 Database Update
The Trove team have posted a new community blog listing what is new in the game during the Winter season....
February 5, 2015 What's New
February 15, 2014 Patch