Luxion comes to warm our hearts – until February 8, 2021!

Luxion is back in our welcoming world to warm our hearts in these difficult and cold times.
He has filled his hoard with mounts, allies, and a Restorative Emblem that unlocks a flask that temporarily boosts your health regeneration.
From February 5, Luxion will be waiting for you in the Light’s Den, and on February 8, it will magically disappear at 3:00 a.m. PST / 12:00 p.m. CET.
Here are some pictures of Luxion’s special offers! Blizzard Behe-moth (Mount), Tranquil Tentacle (Ally), Stormy (Mount), Gabby Gobbler (Ally)

What are you waiting for ? Grab your dragon coins and hurry up, dear Trovians!
Luxion loot is a way for players who have missed time-limited items in the past to collect them directly. You will also find brand new items for a periodically higher amount of Dragon Coins. Items will repeat eventually, but it may take a while for a specific loot item to return, so be sure to check back every visit!