Hello, Trovians!
Embrace the night with the Lunar Lancer class, transform your look with a variety of Lunar Lancer costumes, and much more.
Conquer the shadows and claim your moonlit treasures as these deals will only be available from August 27, 2024, at 11 am UTC until September 3, 2024, at 11 am UTC – in our in-game store on all platforms!
🌙 Discover the Lunar Lancer class with a 30% discount!
🌙 The following costumes are availablewith a discount of 30%:
Burnished Bronze
Crimson Corsair
Monkey King
Red Storm
Twilight Temperance
🌙 Additionally, you can find the following items with a discount of up to 30%:
Dressy Dragon Pack – Only available for a limited time
Infinium Chef Pack – Only available for a limited time
11 Greater Geodian Topside Caches – 25% Discount
33 Greater Geodian Topside Caches – 25% Discount
Pressed Wallflowers – 20% Discount
5 Experience Potions – 25% Discount (ONLY on PC)
30 Experience Potions – 25% Discount (ONLY on PC)
War Horse – 30% Discount
Stormy – 30% Discount
Don’t let this opportunity eclipse! 🌕✨
Your Trove Team!