
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Master Key style


use [Melee Vault Style Stash] until u unlock it

Commented on: Heckbug-Hybrid Egg collection


verdant veins. any tier. only during heckbug event. also can drop when helping critters

Commented on: Map White X Icon mod


since you know about mods being incompatible, imagine how long it would take you to found out if 2 mods can be used alongside one other. yes, this mod is compatible with Minimap mod

Commented on: Dannet item


after event in Everdark it changed location to Open Seas in Drowned World

Commented on: BUFF: Fae Forest Manahunter item


bench only have 3 biome buffs at the time. every week one of buffs changes. 11 total biome buffs/potion recipes

Commented on: Redesigned - Quest Tracker mod

liked this!



Commented on: Redesigned - Inventory mod

liked this!


middle mouse button (scroll click) is default hotkey for it

Commented on:

player friendly design = bug 🤡

Commented on: Huevo de compañero de bronce item


any companion that is not a heckbug. heckbug companions have their own specific names and "heckbug" in the name

Commented on: The Will of Stars style


rare drop from watt boss in sundered uplands 5* dungeon

Commented on:


why do patch notes mention case when it does then