Redesigned - Quest Tracker

Mod Description
A clearer and more concise interface for better readability.
The descriptions have been removed because they were unnecessary and took up too much space.
The icons of Deltalith were by their respective names and colors.
I advise you to play with this mod in English for a better experience especially in Delve.
This design is inspired by an image shared by abbie.

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

Fix infinite loop.

22.6 KB

Better code.
Improved performance.
Size reduction.

Added an option to increase the spacing between different items (cfg).
(New cfg file to download or add "spacing = " in your current cfg)

22.6 KB

Interface rebuilt from scratch.
Fix some bugs.

Added a config file (new cfg):
- hide_description_tooltip
- hide_icon
- hide_timer_delve (May improve performance if disabled)

Thanks to Ravens, Boldd & Smellyalater for testing the mod

32.8 KB

Added depth timer
Overall improved performance
Bug fix

Maybe later a complete rewrite of the interface to improve performance and bug fixes

148.8 KB

Added a config file:

148.5 KB

v0.3 213 B
Comments and Likes Comments 8

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Would it be possible to add the AM/PM system that Clock+ has?
is there any way to move it down? Im in the CFG and i tried setting x/y but its not changing. Id like to move the minimap (other mod) to the top right corner and move this down right below it
Delve tracker breaks very often, and clock+ conflict meaning you dont' get flux per hour.... I don't think it's worth using this mod.
liked this!


very good
It removed the flux per hour for me, is there a way to keep it, or to override the clock with the default clock+ mod? Also, is it possible to remove the next badge?
how to change time ? mine late 4 hours


You can change the time by modifying the value of "time_offset" which is in the cfg. Download it just above and place it in "AppData\Roaming\Trove\ModCfgs".
Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: Geoflay

Tags: GUI


Mod FilesShow

  • swf 1+
    • questtracker
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: July 12, 2023

Updated: August 19, 2024

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 17,398

Downloads: 9,843

Visible on TroveTools