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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: 3 Years of Trovesaurus page
Oh wow, 3 years already! I found out the site back when Trove was still in beta, it was because of a giveaway of the Lunar Ronin... Even though I don't play Trove that much anymore (laaag), I still use the site to catch up on updates, and maybe find something that will interest me to go play again (well that and I update a guide here from time to time).
The site already implemented Dark mode so I'm happy (or maybe cleaning up the tags at 'Guides' section bc there are some duplicates).
Most of my classes' costumes are from the giveaways of this site so I'll always be grateful for that lol. Here's to another year and happy birthday Trovesaurus!
P.S. I love this page, it's a great help for inactive players
Commented on: Power Rank page
Welp not anymore! At least until I finish adding the points thingy in the Gems part of the guide...
I just realized I was replying to 5 month-old comment ._.
Commented on: Fishing in Trove: A Comprehensive Guide (updated with Plasma fishing) page
Sorry for the late reply, I don't play Trove as much as before but here goes..
- Thanks for pointing that out! I did meant to type: "50% chance you catch a ~~Pink~~ Blue Candish instead" I have edited the guide to fix this.
- I was unaware of that info, I'll add that as well.
Glad to know that my guide was able to help you ^_^
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #9 poll
Commented on: Class Art #7 - Dino Tamer page
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? (Class #8) poll
Commented on: https://www.trovesaurus.com/tools/sitelanguage.php?id=18
You've done a good job translating to Filipino! I just have one thing to say though, doesn't 'Stats', in the Footer category, translate to 'istatistika' in Filipino?
Commented on: August Site Update page
Maybe a clean up for some pages? Especially the guides page, for example there's a category for "Dragons" and "Dragon". The only difference between the 2 is the other one has a letter 's'. Other than that, keep up the good work!
Commented on: Class Art #6 - Dracolyte page
The cute little familiar is what took her art to whole new level. Seriously though, even if you take it out, it's still amazing!
Commented on: Trove Screenshot Haiku Contest page
Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page
Oh yay! Most of my questions got answered! Glad to hear that they have plans for a mail system (even though it's in their lower priority list, but it's still something). Nice to read some of the devs' plans for the game.
Commented on: Trove Interview Question Collection page
- Any ETA on the club 2.0 update?
- Will we be seeing steady adding of new styles/deco in-game in the next patches?
- Just a suggestion (I don't know if this is even possible), I was thinking if you devs can add like an inbox system to friends. Most of my friends are either dead or I don't catch them online. It would be great to be able to leave messages to them.
- I've been playing since Beta, and ever since I've been lagging or experiencing high ping. I appreciate your efforts in solving these issues, but is it possible to add Oceania or any additional servers, or just to solve this dilemma?
- Can you guys do an AMA on /r/Trove? It would be nice to see more activity going on in Trove's subreddit.
Commented on: Guide Creation Contest page
I'm quite confused between the difference of Mechanics from Basics and Gameplay.. (Heck now I feel I like I don't even know the definition of Mechanics) I know, I'm such a noob.
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #6 poll