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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Country Communities page
maybe we would set our country AND also the langages we are able to speak/read/writte ...
so the sorting option would give us more options ;)
Commented on: Superior Marketplace mod
Commented on: Mini Boss Radar mod
could you have a look at the number of beams for the pirate dragon while it is in its lair ...i really feel like it's the number of beams that makes me to drop a few fps
ps: did i thank you? ;p
Commented on: Dino Quest Mobs Waypoints mod
Commented on: Broadcast Messages Begone mod
Commented on: ExoDave Better invites mod
Commented on: Fire Stellar Auras for Crown of Flames mod
Commented on: Waterfog B-Gone (Clear Water) mod
Commented on: Broadcast Messages Begone mod
Commented on: Flaminus,The Flame Thrower (made by Ainogommon) VFX version mod
this vfx is only on scintila tho... which makes me sad, cuz the dragon mod replace za'hadeen
Commented on: Select a Class and Subclass Teaser page
Commented on: Sazareosaurus mod
wonderful :3
...only downside i'ld say is about the wild one being broken and using part of its original counterpart :D
sorry, remove that from the thumbs tho, please ;)
Commented on: Contrite, Shepard of Broken Hearts mod
excellent, would be even better with the ability to chose between Fortras or Za'hadeen, to use with
Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod
lol hope you understand that whatever mod is on steam is gonna be on trovesaurus as well, if i feel like i need to do so ;)
Regards; ~5hino
Commented on: [Dragon mod] Baby Appa mod