ExoDave Better invites

Mod Description

Better Friend and join world invite dialog boxes no longer gets in the way. 

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

Now auto confirms Dragon Coins buys.

*Auto Confirm added to selected dialogs

*New improved UI

546.7 KB

*Fixed DOTM invite bug

*Fixed pathing issue

895.5 KB

Now auto confirms Dragon Coins buys.

*Auto Confirm added to selected dialogs

*New improved UI

546.7 KB

*Auto Confirm added to selected dialogs

*New improved UI

*Bug fixes

820.3 KB

Comments and Likes Comments 12

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Marketplace's resell still not working when this mod is enabled

This mod prevents marketplace relist functionality from working. :-(

Is there a version of this mod without the "auto confirm" feature? I'd like to have invites that aren't in my face, but I don't want to accidentally buy 3 million flux worth of shapestone because it disabled my marketplace confirmation box :T

Yes, You have to go to "downloads" and select the oldest version of the mod.

that's amazing !


When you have the invite message on, and you try to claim all the stuff - the claim button is under some transparent "overlay" which won't let it press the claim button. Same goes for Leaderboards/Market tabs.

Standart invite tab has no issues with these buttons while it's on.

Had to remove it from the modpack due to this.

Hmm, Not having this issue. The Marketplace tabs are working. And I can buy and trade while if someone sends an inv, No issue with claims. 

*You may be talking about things that are directly under or very close to the dialog box, in that case yes you cannot click on anything.

"No issue with claims".

No offence, but you either lying, or haven't tested it enough. =)

Because it's obvious that this mod has issues with the claims tab. It's literally impossible to claim something while the invite is shown. Buttons are "locked", and also scrolling the claims tab is impossible (you have to point the mouse to the very edge to do it).

Made a vid, so that my arguments wouldn't be just plain words. =)


As you can clearly see, without the mod, all the buttons are working, even those which are in close proximity to the invite, and my complains aren't just a butthurt. I want to use the mod (and promote it via the modpack), but I can't atm, because the aim of my modpack is to recommend mods that are 100% working, and aren't "faulty" in any way (even negligible).

Thank you for the video, It clearly shows what the issue is. Am been looking into it, Looks like something isn't playing very nicely with the changes I made. A tricky bug, I will comment again here when I find the fix for this bug.

[Deleted User]

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When I tried to invite someone to ST who did not have enough power to get into UM WP, a box popped up saying OK or something.. but it was totally unclickable and the only way to quit was to X out of the program. Mouse clicks were useless, ESC key was useless. Can you look into that, seems like it would be a useful mod. :( Thanks

Thank you. This was a Critical bug. The issue has now been resolved please update to the lastest version of this mod!

Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: ExoDave TheSymbol

Tags: UI

Notes: Dialog boxes no longer gets in the way. Auto confirms marketplace and more.

Mod FilesShow

  • jpg 1+
    • betterinvites2_2

Better Friend and join world invite dialog boxes no longer gets in the way. 

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Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: May 31, 2017

Updated: December 3, 2018

Type: TMOD

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 53,763

Steam Workshop Views: 71,355

Downloads: 34,713

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

Better Friend and join world invite dialog boxes no longer gets in the way.

Visible on TroveTools