Superior Marketplace

Out of Date - This mod has been marked as out of date on July 11, 2023. This is likely due to the original file being changed by the Trove Team, it is unlikely to continue working and the mod author will need to submit a new version.

Mod Description

Upgrades the Marketplace! adds Flux wallet, Increase market items displayed to 15, Optimized Interface, Enhanced Price Comparsion durring selling, Adds unit price to sells. Adds commas to sell input ( 9999999 --> 9,999,999)

Special thanks to TheSymbol

- ExoDave.


Versions Different versions of files for this mod.
  • Update to Boomeranger Blowup.
  • Allow moving of window when right clicking.

2 MB

*fix bug with claim button.

2 MB

*Fix bug with Claim button.

2 MB

Fixed bug relating to the Collect All button.

2 MB


*Small fixes

+Added Collect all button in Sell tab.

2 MB

Comments and Likes Comments 9

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Hello why i can't put the currency when i want to sell an item ?
there is a small bug which doesn't let you click the screen behind either from craft or from your inventory, thanks in advance
hey can u make the dark version of this mod ? can this mod auto calculate up to 50m ? and also can u make dark version of this mod ? would be awesome ty

Can you make the flux amount shown at bottom of window update after clicking Claim or Claim All without having to press u twice? Also why does the inventory window scroll to top when posting things for sale from third tab of my inventory? It's annoying when trying to post multiple listings of eyes or tentacles.


I have a bug where some item appears in both page 1 and 2 of the selling pages.

I mean, there is 18 slots, but with the mod I see 28 slots, which mean the 5 first slots appear 1 time each, and the 13 remaining appears 2 times.

1st page2nd page

The Quad-forged soul on the 2nd page in the same than the one not sold page 1.


PS : All your mods are great :3

Okay ... been 2 months. This is intentional. The next button works as a scroll down/scroll to bottom rather then going to the next page.

This takes some getting use to, the advanage is that you're still able to see your other sells besides the last three.

A little bug.

When you put something in the sell slot, input the price, and try to use the right and left arrows to delete, for example, the 2 in 22000, the cursor gets "teleported" to the end of the value. Pointing in the right place with a mouse (and using the Delete/Backspace) works, however.

you freakin geniouses <3

You two need to work for Trove they need people like you... I think

Seriously, this should be the best mod created in trove

I love you guys so much <3

(I'll send you some message if I find some bugs)

Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: Exodave & TheSymbol

Tags: UI

Notes: Upgrades the Marketplace! adds Flux wallet, Increase market items displayed to 15, Optimized Interface.

Mod FilesShow

  • swf 1+
    • marketplace

Upgrades the Marketplace! adds Flux wallet, Increase market items displayed to 15, Optimized Interface, Enhanced Price Comparsion durring selling, Adds unit price to sells. Adds commas to sell input ( 9999999 --> 9,999,999)

Donate to ExoDave
Send this author a PayPal gift!
Donate to TheSymbol
Send this author a PayPal gift!
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: July 23, 2017

Updated: November 27, 2022

Type: TMOD

Originality: Collaborative Work

Trovesaurus Views: 114,554

Steam Workshop Views: 152,637

Downloads: 107,745

Collaborative Work

This mod is a collaboration between several Trovians.

Upgrades the Marketplace! adds Flux wallet, Increase market items displayed to 15, Optimized Interface, Enhanced Price Comparsion durring selling, Adds unit price to sells. Adds commas to sell input ( 9999999 --> 9,999,999) 

Special thanks to TheSymbol

- ExoDave.


Visible on TroveTools