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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Showy Snowy mod
Commented on: [Costume] Squash Shepherd mod
Thanks, I'm glad you like it! Looking back at it (over 4 years, sheesh), it might get use of a little bit of refresh but I'm not sure if I ever get back to these. However, if you think it still could stand up to the standards in its current shape, I'd be more than happy to release it to the public. =)
Commented on: [Costume] Squash Shepherd mod
Commented on: [Costume] Cyaneon Sorcerer mod
Commented on: [Mount] Amped-Up Arcanium Automobile mod
I'm glad you like it! I do like the game's Arcanium theme, too and such a dragon isn't out of the question, I just never considered dragon (or animal mount, in general) mods my forte. I'll try it some time, though. =)
Commented on: [Mount] Bomber Ro'Yata mod
Commented on: Accepted Mods List - April 23, 2019 page
Commented on: [Deleted Art] art
Commented on: [Ally] Scarrrlet Swordfish mod
Commented on: [Ally] Flaky Field-gun mod
Oh, stop it, you. :D
Seriously, though, it's a real honour to know my work serves as inspiration for such an incredible talent like you. I'm happy if I could help even a little with the themes you mentioned but your mods have been always admirable and amazing regardless, so will you please keep it up, too, and I'll try to do the same. =)
Thank you very much! \o/
Commented on: [Mount] Ancient Arthropod mod
Thank you for the kind words, ma'am! =)
Seems like it was worth digging up the idea, I hope it'll inspire others to create for less "popular" themes, too. Also, please, if I could really master VFX, that'd be great. Fortunately, I can get along with the little amount that I've learned so far and also glad to help if there's a case. (Can't guarantee anything, though. :D)
Thanks again!
Commented on: [Wings] Grinding Gear Gliders mod
Commented on: Friday Devstream Teased Gardening Update page
Commented on: Ainoblackiefest Results page
Commented on: Two Deputies doing Deputy Things art