Initial upload, enjoy! =)
Yet another old-ish mod released.
I think I've put it aside because I couldn't come up with anything for the helm and staff. While I'm not really good with weapon styles, I'm satisfied with the way it turned out (and there are plenty more styles in-game to choose from anyway).
I'm well aware there are some Neon-themed Ice Sage costumes already but thought I'd try my interpretation of it.
I hope you like it!
Enjoy! =)
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: MagicMate
Tags: Costume,Ice Sage,Neon City
Notes: This mod turns the Lvl 20 Ice Sage costume, helm and the Crystalline Chrysanthemum into a cybernetic sage's gear ready to bring foes to a chilling cryosleep
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 26+
- c_p_ice_chunk
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_cape_l_01
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_cape_l_02
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_cape_r_01
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_cape_r_02
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_hips
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_l_back_pole_01
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_l_back_pole_02
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_l_hand
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_l_shoulder
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_r_back_pole_01
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_r_back_pole_02
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_r_hand
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_r_shoulder
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_skirt_front_01
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_skirt_front_02
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_skirt_l_01
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_skirt_l_02
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_skirt_rear_01
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_skirt_rear_02
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_skirt_r_01
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_skirt_r_02
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_torso
- c_p_ice_mage_lvl3_ui
- equipment_helm_icemage_lvl3[ylva]
- equipment_weapon_staff_207[ixion]
- png 1+
- preview
Created: February 23, 2020
Submitted: May 12, 2024
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,499
Downloads: 78
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