[Mount] Ancient Arthropod Submitted

Mod Description

This mod turns the Green Manta Ray into a colossal Cambrian critter!

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

Initial upload, enjoy! =)

147.8 KB


Whoa, it's been a while. =)

Unfortunately I haven't had time (and if I had time, I lacked in energy) to work on mods recently and I felt like I'd rather dig up something that was resting in my "was-a-work-in-progress-but-have-not-seen-the-light-yet" pile instead of doing something new (the latter will hopefully happen, too). There was an uncomfortable plot twist as only the idea and a couple of old screenshots remained, apparently the files were missing in action. Luckily it wasn't too much of a problem (maybe even better so), a little bit of research helped a lot (re)designing this "little" critter.

Trilobites...Yup, not the prettiest creatures ever but I thought it'd look fun on the carpet rig and there could be some more prehistoric mounts - no offense to dinosaurs, though, they're awesome, of course.

I've tried to give it a little character by adding a pair of eyes and making the antennae double-act as a mustache. The original VFX are tailored to the mount - nothing serious, just some color change and repositioning.

I don't expect every Dino Tamer out there to snuggle this mount 24/7 but I hope you'll like it! =) (Feedback is also appreciated.)


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Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: MagicMate

Tags: Mount,Jurassic Jungle

Notes: This mod turns the Green Manta Ray into a colossal Cambrian critter!

Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 7+
    • c_mt_carpet_raygreen_l_corner01
    • c_mt_carpet_raygreen_panel01
    • c_mt_carpet_raygreen_panel02
    • c_mt_carpet_raygreen_panel03
    • c_mt_carpet_raygreen_panel04
    • c_mt_carpet_raygreen_r_corner01
    • c_mt_carpet_raygreen_ui[friedsushi]
  • pkfx 3+
    • character_mount_carpet_raygreen_jump_01
    • character_mount_carpet_raygreen_persistant_01
    • character_mount_carpet_raygreen_trail_01
  • png 1+
    • preview

[collection=Green Manta Ray]

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: December 29, 2018

Submitted: May 12, 2024

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 2,481

Steam Workshop Views: 594

Downloads: 72

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