
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Connecthat Helmet creation


Theres no need for an apology ^^


(i too am really busy these days - so it may take a while to see it in review again)


im glad u like it (i really wasnt sure if its to minimalistic ^^)

Commented on: Connecthat Helmet creation

Connecthat status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Connecthat Helmet creation

For those who may want to see its counterpart: The Disconnecthat

Commented on: Trovian Hotspot Spear creation


thats what i meant ^^

yeah, im using some mods (to see things better - like the crosshair mod ... because i rellay loose the overview in battle sometimes XD)

but i think i will stick to create something here and hope it will find its way into the game. because i would really like to see my creations in  and actual add something to trove.

the thing with mods for styles is that i would override the artwork of someone else (even if its just visual for the user of the mod) ... and i dont like the idea of that ^^"


as you said "ideas for costumes or mounts" a question popped into my mind:

we can submit things like decorations, weapons, helmets, hairstyles, hats and dungeons here.

but are we also able to submit stuff like ships, wings, mounts, fishing poles, skins, pets, costumes, etc?

Commented on: Trovian Hotspot Spear creation

alright, should be fixed  ^^

(i like that i can see these in action now ^^)

Commented on: Trovian Hotspot Spear creation

Trovian Hotspot status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Trovian Hotspot Spear creation


Ah, ok so if i get it right its like that:

Type and Specular 

  • solid = rough/metal/water/iridescent/ waxy
  • glass/ tiled glass/ glowing solid/ glowing glass = rough


  • glass/ tiled glass/ glowing solid/ glowing glassmetal/water/iridescent/ waxy


Great, i always wondered how to change the class in metaforge so i can show the right one for the weapons i created ... well to know that i can do this stuff outside of this will spare me from this hassle ^^.


thank you very much (oh and the time will come where there is no issue with the maps in my creation ;) )

Commented on: Trovian Hotspot Spear creation

Trovian Hotspot status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Trovian Hotspot Spear creation

i know, i know... im halfway missing the point of a spear (long shaft with a  POINTY end) ^^"


but i had the dream of a lunar lancer running trough the desert, trying to put a branding on everything that moves... so i had to create this ^^


(maybe i shouldnt watch western movies while playing trove before going to bed XD)

Commented on: Retro Funguy Decoration creation

Retro Funguy status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Retro Funguy Decoration creation


Hi, thank you for your help. i actually tried to get arround this mapping cuz it looked really complicated XD

But i think i got it right this time (after some trial and error).

i rellay like the tetris idea and so of i kept it in of course. i actually thought about what to do with the blank screen cuz it looked a bit boring the way i made it. but since its been way to small for the games that came in my mind i discarded this idea during the process. (didnt thought about tetris though ^^")


Also i wanted to say: i looked trough some creations and read your annotations with great interest and learned a lot this way. One can truly see how much effort you are putting into this. Actually this encouraged me to create something and i hope i can contribute a bunch of items to the game. So thanks a lot ^^

Commented on: Retro Funguy Decoration creation

Retro Funguy status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Retro Funguy Decoration creation

Edited the colors so it fits better into the biome (but i left 1 picture of the old coloring) 

Commented on: Retro Funguy Decoration creation

Retro Funguy status has been set to Active

Commented on: The Strong Storm Dungeon (3 Star) creation

Strong Storm Model

Hey, i liked your idea and made the neccesary data to submit it. maybe u want to use it (even if its been a few month since u added it here XD)