

2 years ago

by Seraphisto Home Files Download ZIP




Created 2 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Active 2 years ago
This Creation is Active and is being worked on.

Connecthat status has been set to Active

Ylva 2 years ago

Connecthat status has been set to Needs Review

Seraphisto 2 years ago

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Theres no need for an apology ^^


(i too am really busy these days - so it may take a while to see it in review again)


im glad u like it (i really wasnt sure if its to minimalistic ^^)

Connecthat status has been set to Active


So sorry for the delay >_<

These hats are awesome! I really like the design and the idea and the fact that you used Neon City colors for that :) 

Could you please pick one of them? If i approve two different ones in one go like this im afraid it might cause confusion down the line. Personally i like the no-wifi more as its perfectly fits in the ridiculous side of Trove, but the wifi hat is great too!

I would need a creation that features only one of them both in files, in troxel link and on screenshots. 

Also, you seem to be using Helmet type for this, while this is a Hat. To avoid any mix up (helmets remove all hair and face styles when equipped, while hats allow for hair and face styles to be equipped at the same time) id suggest to list this as Style>Hat.

Hoping to see it on review again :)

Connecthat status has been set to Needs Review

For those who may want to see its counterpart: The Disconnecthat