
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Redesigned - Nameplate mod

Will there be a fix for Titles taking over names? such as ppls names displaying as Meow or Edgy or of

Commented on: - Obscure UI - Superior Loot Collector - Advanced mod


I see, Thanks for the answer. Thank you for considering including gems

Commented on: - Obscure UI - Superior Loot Collector - Advanced mod

Gems dont Invert sort like the Gear when you activate Invert Sorting Rarity (Most rare to least Rare). Also Stellar gems dont lock when you put the unlock gems below stellars.

Commented on: Clean Loading Screens mod

For anyone that cant get it to work you need to rename Override folder to override (it should not be capital O)

Commented on: Redesigned - Atlas mod

Could you make a version with the Icons on the biomes?

Commented on: BetterFriendlist mod


Yes version 1.1 works as intended but not 1.2

Commented on: BetterFriendlist mod

Why does the Color Tab reset to Red everytime you close the friendslist? it didnt do that with old cfg file

Commented on: Redesigned - Info mod


Also if i try to put "mastery rank" and "Mastery rank up" into the list it wont change the colors of the message when you gain mastery and lvl up mastery. Would this be something that can be added?

Commented on: Redesigned - Info mod


Ty for the response. I now understand how to add multiple items into 1 category <3 The problem with just changing the colors means that the Default items under that category will also change color. For example: I want a dark grey for gemboxes and gearcrafter vaults and changing the color for rare_silent means that Astral Echoes will also change colors (among other unknown items). It would be extremly helpful if you could add like 4 more rarities that by default wont have colors or items attached to them so you can add your own colors and items. (example: custom_1 custom_2 custom_3 custom_4)

Commented on: Redesigned - Info mod

How do you write new items into the categories?And how do you separate them? Do you do like this?: Gearcrafter's Vault-Depths Core-Encrusted Runic Trunk Also if i just add this into the config will it work? (together with list-minirare_silent =) format-minirare_silent-text_color = 0x14A1F2 format-minirare_silent-color = 0x14A1F2 format-minirare_silent-highlight = -1 format-minirare_silent-sound = If not how do you add more colors?

Commented on: - Obscure UI - Inventory (Enhanced UI) mod

Why is the UI like 60% of the size as normal? Is it cus its not working correctly with 1440p?

Commented on: - Obscure UI - Infolog mod


Must have downloaded the wrong config this isnt how it looked when i downloaded it

Commented on: - Obscure UI - Infolog mod

How do you disable: Quest complete/Magic find triggered messages?
How do you increase font size? (if its possible)
Alot of resources are missing colors (idk if its intended)

Commented on: DPS Display mod

I would very much like the damage numbers in the top right part of the screen instead of bottom right. Because i can never pay attention to them down there

Commented on: Redesigned - Class Select & Store mod

Why is the standard sorting so wierd? Edit: i see now that trove without mods is sorted this way. But im wondering if it would be possible to get a variation with the sorting of how Boldd UI 1.1 is sorted. Its totally fine if not