- Obscure UI - Inventory (Enhanced UI)

Mod Description
Before people ask another 50 times:
1. You can delete items ingame by hovering them and clicking middle mouse button
2. If you want to move a certain amount of items into a chest/the marketplace, hold control and rightclick the item
3. You can sort in your personal chest by rightclicking the tab buttons

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

- added 6th personal chest page

989.8 KB

fixed preview image

989.7 KB

- Added Mystic rarity slot icons

- Added a confirmation popup to the sort button

- You can now sort in personal chests by rightclicking the tab buttons

989.7 KB

- fixed issues with low inventory slot counts

987.8 KB

- fixed club chests/officer chests in vault worlds

- added sort button due to multiple requests

987.7 KB

Comments and Likes Comments 11

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There is an small bug where you can open officer or club chest multiple times and each time it will make the items dimmier and dimmier.
Great mod but wheres the sort button for chests?


I dont understand how people can take their time to create an account, login and comment but fail to read the mod description (hint -> READ IT)


Yep..., I understand your frustration here.
Why is the UI like 60% of the size as normal?
Is it cus its not working correctly with 1440p?


Its possible that its not scaling properly with higher resolutions for whatever reason yea, i only own 1080p myself.

Add a sort button in the chests :)


The lack of sort button for chests in the latest update is the reason why I still stick with the old version lol
The sort inventory button is gone with the new update :(

edit: its back :)
clean but needs updating.
Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: Criteox

Notes: Make sure to check out the other parts of this UI: https://trovesaurus.com/modpack=269/obscure-ui

Preview Path: ui/inventory.png

Mod FilesShow

  • png 1+
    • inventory
  • swf 1+
    • inventory


Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: August 10, 2020

Updated: August 8, 2024

Type: TMOD

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 25,457

Downloads: 16,185

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

Based on TheSymbol's Enhanced UI:


Visible on TroveTools