
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Auto Easy Happy UI mod

would really like an update to this with a effects tab button and titles button.

Commented on: Redesigned - Crafting mod

I really want to use this but its hard when i cant see Crafting profession levels. i hope you can add it in the future

Commented on: - Obscure UI - Superior Loot Collector - Advanced mod

liked this!


Would just like to put a reminder of this incase you've forgotten

Commented on: Auto Accept Invite - LLF mod

liked this!


NAME+Name+namE (Caps lock sensitive) Delete this ¨

Commented on: Redesigned - Atlas Info mod

Nice, but i wish it would zoom out and have a black background like Obscure UI Atlas

Commented on: - Obscure UI - Superior Loot Collector - Advanced mod


<3, next update im hoping for the higher rarity on top setting

Commented on: Redesigned - Inventory mod

Is it suppose to have no tab icons?

Commented on: - Obscure UI - Superior Loot Collector - Advanced mod


With - Obscure UI - Superior Loot Collector - Crystal 3 Edit It collects all when pressing collect all

Commented on: - Obscure UI - Superior Loot Collector - Advanced mod

Compost Bin only loot collects 1 item at a time when in stacks and prompts you to choose how many of that stack you wanna loot collect (When pressing Collect all)

Commented on: - Obscure UI - Superior Loot Collector - Advanced mod


Thanks alot, im glad just knowing you will get to it when you can

Commented on: - Obscure UI - Superior Loot Collector - Advanced mod


Could that be made as additional settings with the Mod Setting Manager?

Commented on: - Obscure UI - Superior Loot Collector - Advanced mod

Higher gear does not show up at the top. For example c3 is below c1. And in return looted gear window its not in order at all

Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod

Can you make a optional download without the Smaller Icons?

Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod

Is there a line you can write in cfg to increase friends window size? Its kinda small on 2560x1440 monitor