
Characters that this user has created, this includes names images and what styles they use. This is intended for those who like to share their created characters appearance.


Clara "H-hey! i'm sorry,okay?"

Younger sister/sibling of the twin sisters.

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Younger sister/sibling of the twin sisters.

"What's that? oh. it's time to get instantly killed."

"Good god,what the bloody hell happened?" -me

Likes to make flower-scented perfume.

Smells nice,due to perfumes everywhere on the cornerstone.

Sometimes overuses it and cause flower smells to stick on the food.


Irina "Sorry,i didn't mean it!"

"Sorry,i bombed your cornerstone with 5 bombs..."

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Likes blue.

Likes hugs.

Addicted to cake.

"Sorry,i bombed your cornerstone with 5 bombs..."

Usually bakes with Karlina,but with the result of the oven burning if you left her with her phone.

Plays games on the computer until the middle of the night.

Usually moans when hugged too hard.

Her twin sister is Karlina.

Older sister of Clara.

Shadow Hunter

Karlina "Huh? Who touched me?"

Doesn't Like to be Touched too much.

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Likes pink.

Doesn't Like to be Touched too much.

Likes hugs,though.

Addicted to cake.

Tries to murder my gem boosters,too.

Likes baking,sometimes lets Irina bake,with crispy results.

"I seem to have misplaced the VFX on the oven."

Her twin sister is Irina.

Older sister of Clara.

she   t  h  i  c  c

also thighs.

i like thighs.


Raymond "Gem Cracking Fellow"

Along with his brother,Raynold,usually takes my gem dusts,and then proceed to crack the gem.

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Along with his brother,Raynold,usually takes my gem dusts,and then proceed to crack the gem.


"excuse me for crashing you because i spawned 300 Spirit Squires on the screen."

Candy Barbarian

Raynold "Dapper Lad/Fine Chap"

Also has a more stronger,  s  u  p  e  r  i  o  r  cousin.

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Likes tea.

Brother of Raymond.

Also has a more stronger,  s  u  p  e  r  i  o  r  cousin.