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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? (Class #8) poll
Commented on: Discord Partnership Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Dino Tamer Giveaway 3 giveaway
Commented on: Dino Tamer Giveaway 3 giveaway
Commented on: Unhandled sitelanguage / 23 sitelanguage
Commented on: Unhandled sitelanguage / 23 sitelanguage
Commented on: https://www.trovesaurus.com/tools/sitelanguage.php?id=23
Commented on: August Site Update page
Could you add an "approximate droprate" to some items? Like Radiant Steed, Heart of darkness, Cummulus ...
With like x% to be the rare drop of this chesttype, approximately x boxes must be opened to get that. Would make farming alot easyer. (also maybe a possible statroll calculato for gems, like how many gems do i need to farm to get one with exactly these stats?)
Commented on: https://www.trovesaurus.com/tools/sitelanguage.php?id=23
I try'd to exterminate every little bit of english from this. Sadly I don't know how Classcoins are called in german, becouse I play the game in english myself. And I didn't simply want to write "Klassen Münze". If anyone could help me with this, i would be most gratefull. Some words of the "internet-slang" I actually hat to look up in a dictionary. But im happy with most of my translations. Some (look up claender section) are made to fit the website in their placement and not to translate word by word. (eg.: from now, ends, ago ...) Sadly there really isn't a own german word for streaming.
Ich habe versucht jedes kleine bisschen Englisch gnadenlos auszulöschen. Leider weiß ich nicht, wie "Classcoins" im deutschen Spiel genannt/bezeichnet werden, da ich das Spiel selber auf englisch spiele. Ich wollte es auch nicht einfach als "Klassen Münze" übersetzen, da das irgendwie zu direkt und damit falsch klingt. Wenn mir jemand damit helfen könnte, wäre ich höchst dankbar. Einige Wörter des "Internet-Slangs" musste ich sogar nachschlagen. Aber jetzt bin ich glücklich mit all meinen Übersetzungen. Einige (siehe Kalender) sind auf das auftreten auf der Internetseite angepasst. (z.B.: von jetzt, endet, her ...) Schade nur das die Deutschaé Sprache kein eigenes Wort für Streaming hat.
Commented on: https://www.trovesaurus.com/tools/sitelanguage.php?id=15
Commented on: Class Art #6 - Dracolyte page
Commented on: Etaewday Celebrations page
Commented on: Badly Drawn for Blackie Results page
Commented on: BM Badly Drawn Contest art
Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page
Also: I really like the T-Rex Idea of a world-boss, tho they could push that even further: Why not make SUPER BOSSES spawn in adventure worlds. These could be as strong as a ST boss of that uber lvl, for example worldbosses as strong as Ultra DotM in U9, or as strong as hard spike in U6. Each Uber could have his own, or they could spawn in the middle of big Biomes, just walking their way around. They could be giant, destroy/alter the whole world around them as they fight (eg. Spikewalkers spikes), they would be fear-inducing, especially with growls and crys and high aggro ranges, like: "OH SHIT ITS MEGA T-REX RUN BOYS". You would have to group up through chat to fight them but everyone can join once the fight starts, and they could have rare dropchances of mounts with their skins, even auras/ships/magracers/wings. Also they could have a highly increased chance (based on the Uber your in) of dropping better gear. (For example in U9 cant drop less then Shadow 3, and drops 4+ items)
My Ideas are: The Kraken (Watergemworlds and Treasure Isles biome), Mega-T-Rex, or a T-Rex modifyd and mountet by a squad of humanoids (Jurassic Jungle), An Insectoid Queen, surrounded by a swarm of wasps/bees (Medieval Hills), a Giant Killer-Robot (Neon) or even a really bad-shit crazy one in Shore of everdark. (would give this biome more purpose as just to use CG-keys and Shapers Sar-keys).
What are your ideas for big bosses/their appearel abilitys? Do you like my idea?