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Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page
I still think there should be more "weight" on equip instead of all the PR and the majority of the stats coming from gems. Just feeld kinda bad, when you worked so hard on your Stellar Gear, and still feel weak becouse you had bad RNG on empowered gemboxes like 5 weeks in a row. Hopefully this gets fixed with the huge boost in gembox numbers you can gain per week now. (3 per class at 5k PR + 1 mastery + 1 contest + 1/3/6 DotM clears). Anyway: Another thing i would ask for is more NPC's with maybe even quests. Bosses and raids that are actually mechanically hard and not only "hard" becouse you need more dps, or a decent tank. Story or atleast Bosses with a background/story behind them. (For example: Alien-Invasion were you first fight some low-rank officer and at the end the Alien Queen or stuff, in suiting Arenas/Areas)
1 more big thing i'd wish for: Class-Gems with different Abilitys: Like, Air CG's for SH have this ability, and Fire CG's/Water CG's have this OTHER Ability. They cant stack, only one CG at a time so you cant get 2 or more CG abilitys, but still: diversity. Would kinda work like a skill-tree system and would influence gameplay in the way, that there would be roles defined by item/gemsets and CG's and not by the class itself: For example Dracolyte DPS, Candybarb DPS, Pirate Captain TANK, Fae HEAL, ... Or, if you are already on it, just add a skill-tree system and make people have different playstyles non-defined by class.
And another small, simple thing i really just want: Different coloured names for the clubchat: Leader has a certain namecolour/symbol behind the name, officers get one and Architects get one. Just so you don't always mix up who has which position/ who to contact in which case, if you are in a big club (Im in Legalize Sunlightbulbs). And yes, you can look that up in the club-names list but i takes time, and also my version would prevent people from accidently starting beef with officers, and through this getting kicked when they didn't have bad intentions.
I sincerely hope atleast someone reads this, as most people just seem to want to enter the giveaway, becouse i'd really like to start a discussion here. (Etaew notice me, again!)
Sry for bad english, im german. I tryd my best.
Commented on: Badly Drawn Characters - Patchday Art Contest page
Commented on: Fighting DotM art
Commented on: Badly Drawn Characters - Patchday Art Contest page
Commented on: Badly Drawn Characters - Patchday Art Contest page
Commented on: Badly Drawn Characters - Patchday Art Contest page
Commented on: Badly Drawn Characters - Patchday Art Contest page
Commented on: Badly Drawn Characters - Patchday Art Contest page
Commented on: Trove Interview Question Collection page
With a new Class and biome upcoming and through this so much more mastery points availeble, will you up the Mastery-Level-Cap? Also if so, will there be new rewards for mastery lvl?
Also since there are "lucky" Dragons now (eggs in chests) will there be lucky costumes soon? For example Pinata-Costume drops (Winter Boomeranger from Winter Pinatas, and new ones like Fall-Chronomancer, Spring-Candy Barbarian, Summer-Knight) or Chaos Costumes from Chaos Chests, etc. ?
Also will you add more random Dragon eggs? For example from Chao-Chests or ToW's ?
Commented on: Streamer Dream Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Take Wing at half the price! page
Commented on: Guide Creation Contest page
Commented on: Gold Feedback page
Commented on: Gold Feedback page