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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Positivity Fortnight page
I love clubs! They are the most fun part of the game and what has made me keep playing the past year!
Commented on: Trovesaurus Community Tasks - June page
So that already existed? How about suggested mods? And my logic with the gold giveaways here is that most people on here don't do discord, but you could make it an extra for those who do do discord.
Commented on: Trovesaurus Community Tasks - June page
Trovesaurus Gold giveaways here on the site perhaps, and not just on discord. And maybe a suggested mods page/suggested class builds page (if that doesnt exist).
Commented on: Macedoine Master Giveaway giveaway
Aw rip i entered the forum contest but didnt win and i entered this and same result....
Commented on: Macedoine Master Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Llamahunt page
Commented on: Builder's Club Spotlight #17e03: Primal Grey Matters page
This article was super cool, I like it. I remember seeing something about a maze in a club world on the forums, will reply to this comment if I find it.
Commented on: Builder's Club Spotlight #17e01: Big Bigger Biggest Builds page
/joinworld Radiant Zootopia, they are working on a Valentine's Day themed theme park area. The article was very well done, great job.
Commented on: Images Promotion page
So if we do a costume should we take off all other gear? And if we do a gear piece zoom in on it?
Commented on: Dragon Dinghy Giveaway giveaway
Is this like a new raft class, I mean, I have flame skimmer, but some ppl have SS Draconic, it is nuts.
Commented on: Builder's Club Spotlight #17e00: Evil Introductions page
Also, I liked the format and everything Etaew, but maybe if they have modded include the names of accepted mods as they are cool to know. Also /joinworld Radiant Utopia, lots of stuff there.
Commented on: Builder's Club Spotlight #17e00: Evil Introductions page
Commented on: Weyrfir, Winter's Rest Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Delicious Direwolf Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Class Builds Feedback page
Ir should probably be a little more compact and maybe should have a possibility to show options for emblems, such as:martial or surestrike. Or for allys: rapt berserker/prowling shadow. It would be awesome if there was a place for people to show their favorite costume builds for the class. It basically looks good to me though.