To highlight community creations, we're going to feature a Builder's Spotlight once every two weeks. In this issue, we're highlighting builds made with primal grey or the blocks made from primal grey.
We've visited all clubs proposed in the comments of issue #01 regarding the sacred color grey. There can be colored accents, but most of blocks placed in the builds had to be made in a shade of grey.
Axis of AnarchyTop ^
When spawning in this world a big grey building will give you a big welcome. The maglev rail makes the entry a bit faster, because walking this building from the start till the end is quite a walk.
Axis of Anarchy (PC)
3251 (#75)
No club description has been entered.
/joinworld axis of anarchy View Club
Architech Apocalypse'sTop ^
This club features a big museum made from greys and whites. Inside the museum, one can see big Jurassic skeletons. We did find the entrance fee a bit high, so we used the employees entrance.
This club has no page on Trovesaurus. If you are one of the owners, consider creating one.
Visit the club by typing /joinworld 8907251357990647124
The Cloud CitadelTop ^
The spawn of this club is one big futuristic city with skyscrapers touching the clouds. This club has been proposed in every issue but We''ve been holding it back for this issue (planning \o/).
The Cloud Citadel (PC)
6700 (#32)
We are a global group focused on having fun in many aspects of trove together. Club level is maxed with powerful tier 3 fixtures setup. Our staff crew together with other helpful members try their best to help players in need of knowledge or damage. To wrap it all up, we have a beautiful original club world with many places to check out.
/joinworld the cloud citadel View Club
NerdRageTop ^
Finding the proposed castle was a bit difficult but we've succeeded! But remembering the route to this awesome castle... something with transit portals. I'd add more lava.. to make it a bit eviler.
NerdRage (PC)
4374 (#56)
We are an alpha club that has been out there for years and we
/joinworld nerdrage View Club
Focus of the next issue: Amazing/Puzzling PuzzlesTop ^
Leave a comment on this page with one of the following:
- a club we should consider for the next issue featuring the mentioned subjects, please include the /joinworld link*.
- a link to the club's builds section on trovesaurus of a club we should consider for the next issue featuring the mentioned subjects*.
- Feedback on this article to make the next one better
* PS4 version of Trove is not available in the Netherlands, so I'm not able to visit console (PS4) builds (yet), and I have no XB1.
- Comments will be considered from Tuesday, February 21, 2017 to Tuesday, February 28, 2017.
The next issue will be published on Tuesday, March 7, 2017.
- 3 random on-topic commenters will receive 1x Reward token for use in the Trovesaurus Rewards Section.
Random club (picked from the club index)
Atlas Corporation (PC)
1031 (#230)
No club description has been entered.
/joinworld atlas corporation View Club

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Those jurassic fossils are so cool! :D Seems kinda hard to build detail in trove, IDK how they do it.
This article was super cool, I like it. I remember seeing something about a maze in a club world on the forums, will reply to this comment if I find it.
I've been to Cloud Citadel and it is truly a magnificent club world!
They have all kinds of building and all kind of stuff there!
And the club really deserves to be here!