
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Cage Health & Energy Display mod

There was once a great question: would you rather lose injection to the internet or have Nicolas cage next to you for 10 hours every day? I think everyone who downloaded this picked option 2.

Commented on: Royal Ranger Giveaway giveaway

Awesome costume, I would love to have it.

Commented on: 2nd Anniversary Giveaway giveaway

Good luck everyone. Lets get 1000 if we can! Hoping for a good pack, but more hoping for any win. If there is a comment below this and its gibberish disregard it, that was an accident.

Commented on: Snowfest Day Albairn Giveaway giveaway

Good luck everyone. I know it wont be me, but I also know we all deserve something nice at christmas time. I wish you all the best, #neverluck. There is always hope :)

Commented on: Chimeric Cubist Giveaway giveaway

It's weird, but good. Not my favorite candy barbarian costume, but certainly a well designed and quirky one.

Commented on: Radiant Utopian First Xmas Build art

I have to agree!

Commented on: Badly Drawn Sky Sisters page

Question, sort of off topic, but what costume and class is that for SkytheVirus. Looks like a dracolyte but what costume?

Commented on: Radiant Utopian First Xmas Build art

Cool screenshot detour, i like how it shows all the biomes.

Commented on: Two Years of Trovesaurus page

I joined trovesaurus this past june, when I started trove. I heard about it from my IRL friend DarkPineapple58 and I have enjoyed entering giveaways and downloading mods. This is an amazing website and I hope it contonues for a long time.

Commented on: Group Art Contest - Community Voting page

I dont see the need for an incentive, i would have voted anyway

Commented on: Badly Drawn Digiwolf page

Good luck everyone and happy bday DigiWolf.

Commented on: Class Art 9 - Neon Ninja page

I am very excited for my favorite class to be the art subject for this month. I will work to the best of my ability for this one.

Commented on: Translation Promotion November Request page

The mods page should be translated so people know what they are looking at.

Commented on: Extra Life 2016 Details & Rewards – Prepare for the 5th of November! page

I was going to donate to atronos but I was too late.

Commented on: Chronozilla's Forfeit Giveaway giveaway

I have no chance because I never win anything! Yay! If I win I know I will end up with Selene :/ Already have her.