
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Ancient Ninja Armor mod

Your link to the forum thread is not working, it just sends you to the Trionworlds/trove homepage.

But judging from little pic that you got as a thumbnail, looks awesome :)


Commented on:

oh sweet a flying orchestra to give away! :D

Commented on: August Site Update page

Create a neat spreadsheet of the xp needed to lvl up, total xp needed to lvl 20, 30 etc.

There is already a Forum thread about it but creating one here would mean that more people would see it (since it's relativly hard to find a thread back from Dec 2015.

Here is the thread:

Commented on: Class Art #6 - Dracolyte page

I love the contrast between the derpyness of that little buddy dragonling and the fearsome look of the actual Dracolyte.

Amazing job Alycia, as always

Commented on: Translation Promotion page

Well... Greek is also missing but i don't think that the greek playerbase is big enough to make it worth it.

Commented on: Little Etaew art

Oy, i didn't come here to pick a fight or attack anyone. I was just pointing out the Irony that is involved in this art-contest. I mean that going by the name someone would expect some 2 mins MS paint creations, not awesome, really detailed and seriously worked on such as this one.

I apologize if i offended you in any way, it was not meant to be.


Commented on: Little Etaew art

How in all heavens is this "Badly" drawn :(((


Commented on: Etaewday Celebrations page

It's pronounced:

Eh (the h is silent) - tah (again silent) - ew


e-Daewoo (yes the car manufactorer but replace the D with a T)


Commented on: Streamer Dream Giveaway giveaway

Good luck everyone :)

Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page

I've read what Avarem said and i understand that the "report spam" feature can be used to report other rule violations but as i see it it's a false accusation.


So in conclusion, yes there is an already existing system to report those behaviours but i'd rather have a complete one which says what the rule violation is and not leave it  on the CS team to guess.

Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page

Really hyped for new class/biome and the upcoming backpack/chest enhancement.

Dissapointed by the fact that there wont be a way to report offensive behaviour (which may not always be spammy).

Commented on: Badly Drawn Characters - Patchday Art Contest page

Finally an art contest which i can compete XD

Commented on: Trove Interview Question Collection page

Is the "Fort" Dungeons coming anytime soon or are they lost in the void of Trino?

Also, any ETA on Gem stat rerolls that you mentioned in a stream?

Commented on: DRAGON COIN CAKE art

Can you mail me some? it looks so delicious! :D


Commented on: Modding Experiences Promotion page


1. I found out that this game supports mods mainly from watching Videos/Streams.

2. I currently install mods with (TroveToolbox and Trove Mod Manager before but the 1st got replaced and the 2nd had a problem on installing the custom VFX, probably i did something wrong).

3. Having a favourite among all these amazing creations is a difficult task but i'd say my most used category is VFX and Reskins. For Future creations i would suggest some Dragon/Wings Reskins.