
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on:

what's the best companion(and why)?

Commented on: Two Years of Trovesaurus page

my friend tould me about trovessaurus 1 year ago, i dont remember exactly when. well, i don't know something for you work on, in my opnion trovessaurus it's perfect the way it's now

Commented on: Translation Promotion November Request page

the news and mainly the guide(

i'm brazilian and i know english a bit, but not everyone knows

Commented on: Vector Gunslinger art

"This month bla bla bla, you have voted to draw the Gunslinger. Submit bla bla bla"

DRAW, don't print man, don't try fake to etaew


Commented on: October 7th – Freebie Friday Mega Login Bonuses! page

what is that below the dragon coins? i never saw that ingame


Commented on: August Site Update page

you should add more images to mods, some still have only one, other (minimal)thing to do is when you are changing your chat icon it should have a button to a site where have all the images of itens/blocks/anyway and below the code(ex:equipment_helm_radiantlord) it was pretty hard to me to do this first time


Commented on: Etaewday Celebrations page

i say etoh

e - like "E"mail

to - like "TO"ward

oh- like ho-"OH"(the legendary pokemon)

and when i pronounce i contract the "to" and the "oh" to "toh" 

so "etoh" is the answer

Commented on: collection

why wings don't have price?

Commented on: collection

shit, the price i placed is wrong. 120k*

sorry guys .-.

Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page

well, if the game stop to crash everytime it's good for me

Commented on: Cosplay Contest event

i'm interested

Commented on: Cosplay Contest event

interested \o/

Commented on: Trove Interview Question Collection page

1 - you guys are sure busy whit the console version, the new class and biome, and a stack of other stuff, but what is your priority list of things to do? remembering there are still some bugs in game who realy need some attention

2 - since the mantle of power come i saw a realy large number of players quiting the game because the exaggerated time farming(gems and dust) and after this the feeling of "nothing changed", with that said, do you have any plans to do something who will make this time you pass farming more interestingor less tiring?

3 - please, decrease the chance of health regeneration on gems, every single time i get a gem whit health regen, it's not a powerful stat like ctrical damage, critical chance, or magic/physic attack, ok, its good to have some but EVERY SINGLE GEM having this it's realy boring and will not help

4- actually exist so many non-tradable itens, and they are accumulating(like dragon coins), and even using they still accumulate, so what do you guys will do about this?


Commented on: Gold Feedback page

Commented on: Trovesaurus Downtime page

how do you guys make this drawnings? what's the program?